How Many Dogs or Cats Can You Have in Quebec?

An Australian shepherd and a Burmese cat

The number of pets you can have in the Province of Quebec depends on your city or town's animal bylaw. That's because there is no province-wide law in Quebec that dictates the number of cats or dogs residents can have. Instead, each city and town is tasked with creating its own pet ownership rules. As a result, the number of pets allowed per residence in Quebec varies from city to city. To determine the allowable number of pets per residence where you live, check your local animal bylaw. Take the bylaws of the following Quebec municipalities for example.


In the City of Montreal, you can have up to 8 pets, of which no more than 3 may be dogs. Of the 8 pets, no more than 4 may be cats. In essence, dog owners in Montreal are limited to 3 dogs while cat owners are limited to 4 cats. If you wish to have both cats and dogs, you can keep them in any combination not exceeding a total of four. For example, you can have 3 dogs and 1 cat, 2 dogs and 2 cats, or 1 dog and 3 cats. As part of the total number of animals, pet fish do not count. According to Montreal's website, you can take in up to 8 cats if you are fostering pets in cooperation with a shelter.

Low, Quebec

You can own up to 3 dogs and 4 cats in the township municipality of Low, Quebec. If your dog gives birth, you're required to dispose of the puppies within 3 months from birth to comply with the municipality's animal By-law.

Hudson, Quebec

A license is required to have more than 3 dogs in the Town of Hudson, Quebec. The Town's BY-LAW No 650-2014 does not restrict the number of cats you can have. All dogs in Hudson are required to be immunized against rabies and licensed. In public areas, dogs are required to be controlled by a leash not exceeding six feet in length. A dog constitutes a nuisance if it so barks or howls as to disturb the peace and tranquility or be an annoyance for one or more persons. Like dog owners, all cat owners in Hudson are required to have a cat license.

Pincourt, Quebec

It is permitted to have a combined total of four cats and dogs per residence in the municipality of Pincourt, Quebec. However, of the four pets, no more than two may be dogs. A non-transferable license is required for all dogs and cats residing in Pincourt. When outside their owner's property, dogs are required to be at all times kept on a leash with a maximum length of 2 meters (6 feet). All pet owners in the Town are required to immediately pick up after their pet, and dispose of it hygienically. Dogs are strictly prohibited in Town parks, but not in dog parks. Sterilizing your pets is strongly recommended by the Town's website.

Côte Saint-Luc, Quebec

A maximum of four dogs is allowed per dwelling unit in the City of Côte Saint-Luc, Quebec. If your dog gives birth, you may keep the puppies for a period not to exceed six months. Côte Saint-Luc has a leash law requiring all dogs on public or private property of another person to be kept on a leash not exceeding 1.85m in length. The City's by-law 2555 requires all dog owners to clean up after their pets. The by-law does not impose any limit on the number of cats you can have.

Sherbrooke, Quebec

No more than four dogs and cats combined are allowed per residence in the City of Sherbrooke. However, in agricultural zones, the number of cats is unlimited. In urban areas, you may be issued a permit to adopt up to 10 cats, in which case the cats must live indoors or in an outdoor enclosure. All dog and cat owners residing in Sherbrooke are required by law to register their pets with the Société Protectrice des Animaux. Cats living on farms are not required to be registered.

In public spaces, including parks, dogs are required to be on a leash not exceeding 1,85m in length, unless in a dog park where dogs are permitted to be off-leash. As a pet owner in Sherbrooke, you're required to immediately clean up any excrement left by your pet in public spaces and dispose of it hygienically. This law, however, does not apply to people with service or guide dogs.

Brome Lake, Quebec

In Brome Lake, a town in southern Quebec, a maximum of five pets is allowed per household in urban zones. Of the five pets, no more than two may be dogs and no more than three may be cats, which means each household is limited to 2 dogs and 3 cats. This restriction does not apply to fish or birds kept in a cage. If your dog or cat gives birth to a litter, you may keep the puppies or kittens for a period of three months. If you live in a rural environment, you may be allowed to have 4 adult dogs or more under strict conditions, according to the Town's website. All dogs over three months of age residing in Brome Lake are required to wear a medal with their registration number at all times.

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