How Many Dogs or Cats Can You Have in Alaska?

An Alaskan Malamute and a Siberian cat

There is no state-wide law in Alaska restricting the number of dogs or cats you can own. However, your city may have its own pet ownership rules. In most Alaska municipalities, you don't need a permit to own 3 dogs or 3 cats. To determine how many pets are considered too many in your city, check with your local animal control. Alternatively, you can search for your city's animal ordinance online. Here is how many dogs and cats you can have in the following Alaska municipalities.

Anchorage, AK

In Anchorage, Alaska, you're limited to 3 dogs and 3 cats. To exceed these limits, you need to obtain a multi-animal facility license. This license allows you to own four or more dogs or four or more cats, according to Title 17, Sec. 17.15.060 of Anchorage's municipal code. As a dog owner in Anchorage, you're required to obtain a Municipality of Anchorage dog license for your dog. Anchorage has a leash law that requires pet owners to control their animals at all times in public places.

Wasilla, AK

You can have up to four dogs or four cats without a permit in Wasilla, Alaska. According to Wasilla's Animal Ordinance, a kennel or cattery license is required to own five or more dogs or cats. All dogs and cats over the age of six months residing in Wasilla are required to be vaccinated and registered.

Kenai, AK

You can not own more than three dogs in Kenai, Alaska, without obtaining a kennel permit, the issuance of which is subject to inspection by the Chief Animal Control Officer. As a dog owner in Kenai, you're required to keep your dog under restraint at all times. As a cat owner in the city, there is no limit on the number of cats you can have as long as you can properly care for them.

Palmer, AK

In Palmer, AK, you can have a total of six pets, of which no more than 3 may be dogs or cats. You can, for example, have 3 dogs and 3 cats in one household. This restriction does not apply to dogs and cats under six months of age or dogs and cats kept in an area zoned agricultural district. Also, the restriction does not apply to dogs and cats kept on a lot exceeding one acre in size, provided the animals are never closer than 25 feet from an exterior lot line. A maximum of five domestic birds may be kept in addition to dogs and cats, according to Palmer's animal ordinance.

Kotzebue, AK

If you have five dogs or less in Kotzebue, Alaska, you're required by the city code to obtain a $5 license per dog. A $30 kennel license is required to own 6 or more dogs in the city. Failure to obtain a dog license could result in a civil fine of $20, in addition to the five-dollar license fee. All mature dogs residing in the city are required to wear a collar, to which a license tag is attached. The city code does impose a limit on the number of cats you can have.

Are there any dog breeds restricted or banned in Alaska?

Alaska has no state-wide breed-specific legislation that bans or restricts particular breeds of dogs. There are, however, "dangerous or vicious dog" laws in the Last Frontier. Unlike, breed-specific laws, which target particular dog breeds like pit bulls and Rottweilers, dangerous or vicious dog laws target any dog, regardless of breed, that bites or attacks a human or another domestic animal without provocation. If a dog is declared dangerous or vicious by a law enforcement officer, it may be banned or restricted.

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