Can You Own Pet Goats or Sheep in Arizona?

A sheep farm

In Arizona, goats and sheep are considered livestock. As such, they are often restricted to agricultural zones. Depending on the municipality in which you live, you may be permitted to keep goats or sheep as pets in a residential zone. Call your zoning office or local animal control to determine whether goats or sheep are allowed in your locality. Meanwhile, I've listed below a few Arizona cities where you can own goats or sheep.

Phoenix, AZ

You can have pet goats or sheep if you live in Phoenix, Arizona. According to the Phoenix City Code, the premises upon which sheep or goats are kept must always be sanitary. In addition, such premises are subject to inspection and regulation by the City Health Officer. The keeping of goats or sheep within the City of Phoenix is allowed only so long as they do not create noise or health nuisance.

Tucson, AZ

In Tucson, AZ, you can own sheep or goats as long as you don't permit them to run at large. Tucson's municipal code specifically prohibits the running at large of sheep and goats within the city. Also, you may not permit your goats or sheep to graze upon any land within the city, except on your own land. By ordinance, goats and sheep are required to be adequately fed and watered and reasonably protected from the weather. Corrals or other structures where goats or sheep are kept are required to be located more than 20 feet from the dwelling house of any person within the city.

Mesa, AZ

You need 35,000 square feet of land to have goats or sheep in the City of Mesa, Arizona. With an approved livestock license, you can have up to 4 goats or sheep in Mesa, according to the City Code. However, you may keep a maximum of 2 miniature goats or sheep as pets on any lot without a livestock license. You may not permit your pet goats or sheep to be at large in the city. As a goat or sheep owner, your property is subject to inspection and regulations by the City Manager.

Gilbert, AZ

If you reside in Gilbert, AZ, you may keep goats or sheep under certain conditions. The Town of Gilbert's municipal code requires all livestock animals, including goats and sheep, to be kept in suitable enclosures and not be allowed to run at large. The Town Code makes it unlawful for you to keep goats or sheep in an unsanitary condition in a residential area. Upon complaint of any neighbor residing within 200 feet of your property, your sheep or goats may be removed and the keeping of such animals may no longer be permitted on your property.

Scottsdale, AZ

You may keep a limited number of sheep or goats as pets in Scottsdale, AZ. The city does not permit the commercial raising of sheep or goats, except on a farm, ranch, or commercial stable. The city code requires all premises where sheep or goats are kept to be so maintained as not to become a public health nuisance. All animal manure and droppings are required to be removed from enclosures at least twice weekly and handled or disposed of in an approved manner.

Peoria, AZ

The keeping of livestock animals, including goats and sheep, is allowed within the City of Peoria only so long as they do not become a public nuisance. According to the city code, you may keep no more than 2 goats or sheep on the first 20,000 square feet of land. For each additional goat or sheep, an additional 20,000 square feet of land is required. As a goat or sheep owner in Peoria, your property is subject to inspection by the enforcement agent. These regulations do not apply to goats or sheep kept in areas properly zoned for agriculture.

Surprise, AZ

Not less than one-half acre of lot area is required for each goat or sheep kept in Surprise, Arizona. The City Code requires all enclosures wherein goats or sheep are kept to be so constructed as to prevent the animals from escaping. Also, such enclosures are required to be kept in such condition that they do not constitute a public health nuisance.

Apache Junction, AZ

In Apache Junction, AZ, goats and sheep are considered small livestock animals. In the RS-GR District, there is no limit on the number of small livestock animals you may have. In all other single-family residential zoning districts, no more than 2 small livestock animals are allowed per property. The City Code requires all areas used for grazing, exercising, or training livestock to be secured to prevent the animals from straying. Accessory structures wherein small livestock are housed are required to maintain a minimum side and rear setback of 15 feet.

Yuma, AZ

In Yuma, AZ, no more than 4 sheep or goats are allowed per lot or parcel of land less than one acre. On properties over one acre, two sheep or goats are allowed for every 6,000 square feet of lot area after deducting one-half acre for the home site. Goats and sheep six months of age or younger are not counted, according to Yuma's municipal code.

Avondale, AZ

You may have sheep or goats in Avondale, AZ, as long as you don't keep them within 200 feet of any residence or place of business. A minimum of 21,780 square feet of lot area is required to have sheep or goats in the city. Per the city code, however, you may be relieved of the minimum space requirement upon application to the city council. It is unlawful for you to allow your goats or sheep to run at large within the city.

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