Can You Own Goats or Sheep in Utah?

A goat wearing a collar

Utah State law does not prohibit the keeping of domestic livestock or farm animals, including sheep and goats. Nevertheless, these animals are regulated by local ordinances. So, your location in Utah will determine whether or not you can keep goats or sheep on your property. You can check with your local code enforcement, zoning office, or animal control to find out whether goats or sheep are permitted in your area. Below are some Utah municipalities that permit domestic livestock.

Kaysville, UT

In Kaysville, UT, goats and sheep are a permitted use in the A-5, A-1, and R-A zones, though a lot of at least 21,780 square feet in size is required. In the R-T, R-1, R-D, R-2, and R-4 zones, a conditional use permit is required for the keeping of goats and sheep. Plus, your property is required to have a minimum overall lot area as shown in the chart below.

In the R-M zone, goats and sheep are permitted, but only with a conditional use permit, according to Kaysville's Farm Animal code.

North Salt Lake, UT

Effective October 2, 2018, a Domestic Farm Animal License is no longer required for the keeping of goats and sheep in North Salt Lake, UT. However, certain rules must be adhered to, according to North Salt Lake's website. In residential zones, goats and sheep may be kept only on single-family or duplex lots. Goats and sheep should be provided with a secure yard or enclosure located at least 35 feet from neighboring homes.

West Jordan, UT

In West Jordan, Utah, you can own goats or sheep as long as you prevent them from running at large. According to West Jordan's livestock regulations, all fenced enclosures should be of sufficient strength to prevent the escape of or injury to the goats or sheep. Additionally, all fenced enclosures are required to be so maintained in good repair.

Orem, UT

A lot of at least one acre is required for the keeping of goats and sheep in residential zones within Orem, Utah. A maximum of 6 goats or sheep is allowed per acre of land, according to Orem's zoning code. You're required by the zoning code to keep your goats or sheep 85 feet from any neighboring dwelling and 40 feet from your own dwelling.

South Jordan, UT

Property owners in South Jordan, UT, are allowed to have goats and sheep in the R-1.8, A-1, or A-5 zones. In those zones, a property of at least 0.5 acres is required to have goats or sheep. The number of animals allowed is based on the size of your property. Up to 6 goats or sheep may be kept on a property of one acre, according to South Jordan's municipal code. All goats and sheep should be confined to your property by a fence that is no greater than six feet high. On properties less than one acre, goats and sheep may not be kept in any front yard or side yard area. Further, on properties less than one acre, no goat or sheep may be kept within forty feet of any dwelling unit. 

Goats and sheep may be slaughtered on a property, provided the animal was raised on that property. However, the area where the slaughter takes place is required to be kept clean.

Millcreek, UT

Goats and sheep may be kept in Millcreek, UT, but they should not be permitted to run at large. Millcreek's animal ordinance requires all goat and sheep owners to construct adequate fencing to prevent the animals' escape from their property.

Taylorsville, UT

Goats and sheep are allowed in any R-1-40 Residential District within Taylorsville, Utah. A minimum of one acre of lot size is required to have up to 5 goats or sheep, according to Taylorsville's municipal code.

Riverton, UT

Under Riverton's zoning code, goats and sheep are classified as "Medium Farm Animals." A minimum of one-half of an acre lot is required to keep medium farm animals in the city. No medium farm animal or enclosure for medium farm animals should be kept within 40 feet of any residential dwelling. A maximum of 5 medium farm animals are allowed for each one-half acre of lot size. The zoning code requires that partially enclosed (and roofed) structures be provided for all animals.

Pleasant Grove, UT

In Pleasant Grove, goats and sheep are permitted in the Rural Residential (R-R) zone. Goats and sheep may be kept for personal food production purposes, not for commercial purposes. No more than two sheep or goats may be kept on a property of one acre, according to Pleasant Grove's zoning code.

Midvale, UT

The city of Midvale allows for miniature goats to be kept on single-family residential properties with a minimum lot size of one-quarter acre. No more or no less than two miniature goats are allowed per property, according to the city code. All miniature goats are required to be vaccinated by a vet licensed in Utah to treat livestock. Unless they have reached the age of one year old, miniature goats are required to be dehorned. Male miniature goats are required to be neutered and females spayed.

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