Can You Own Goats or Sheep in Oklahoma?

A white kid goat

Whether you can have goats or sheep in Oklahoma depends on your zoning laws. If your property is zoned as rural or agricultural, you can own goats or sheep. But if your property is zoned as residential, you may or may not be permitted to have such animals. While some Oklahoma municipalities allow goats and sheep in urban areas, others prohibit them. Therefore, if you happen to be located in a residential zone, check with your local Zoning Office or Animal Control to see if such animals are permitted in your locality. Take the following Oklahoma municipalities for example.

Oklahoma City, OK

The keeping of livestock animals including goats and sheep is permitted in Oklahoma City limits on property zoned for agriculture and on properties at least one acre in size, according to Oklahoma City Animal Welfare. For each half-acre, you can have two goats or two sheep. According to the OKC Animal Welfare, the animals should be confined to your property. If you have questions, contact OKC Animal Welfare at (405) 297-3100 or

Tulsa, OK

Under the City of Tulsa's municipal code, goats and sheep are classified as "agricultural animals." The keeping of agricultural animals is only permitted in areas zoned for agriculture (AG). In all other zoning districts, agricultural animals may not be kept, except under the supervision of the City of Tulsa's Animal Welfare, according to the City Code. If you reside in an area zoned other agricultural, contact Tulsa Animal Welfare at (918) 596-8000 or

Norman, OK

Goats and sheep are permitted in all zoning districts within the City of Norman, Oklahoma, only as long as certain conditions are complied with. In single-family, two-family, or multifamily districts, goats and sheep may not be kept closer than 25 feet from a lot line or closer than 100 feet from any dwelling other than the owner's. You're required to erect on your property a suitable barrier sufficient to ensure compliance with the above distance requirements. According to Norman's municipal code, you should not allow any sheep or goat to be at large, picketed, staked, or herded upon any of the alleys, streets, or public ground within the City.

Broken Arrow, OK

In Broken Arrow, OK, the keeping of goats and sheep is permitted in agricultural areas and single-family residential areas. In single-family residential areas, a parcel having a minimum of one acre of grazing land is required for the keeping of such animals. According to Chapter 5, Sec. 5-22 of Broken Arrow's municipal code, there should be at least one acre per animal maintained in single-family residential areas.

Lawton, OK

Under Lawton's municipal code, goats and sheep are classified as "large animals." Per Chapter 5, Sec. 5, 5-4-405 of the City Code, a permit is required for the keeping of large animals in the City. You can file an application for the permit with the animal welfare division. However, you don't need a permit if your property is greater than five acres and contains no more than one single-family dwelling unit. On such a property, the number of large animals should not exceed one per acre.

Midwest City, OK

An Animal Permit is required for the keeping of goats and sheep in Midwest City, Oklahoma. According to the City Code, goats and sheep may not be kept on any parcel of land having an area of less than one acre in size. On parcels with a net area of one to three acres, a maximum of 2 goats or sheep may be kept. For each additional one-fifth acre above three acres, an additional goat or sheep may be kept. Enclosures in which the animals are kept should be situated a minimum of 75 feet from the exterior of a church, business, school, or any residence other than yours.

Enid, OK

In Enid, Oklahoma, livestock animals including goats and sheep are permitted on properties zoned agricultural (A), residential estate (R-1), or lots one acre or larger. According to Enid's municipal code, every owner of livestock animals should keep them exclusively upon their own premises and restrain them from running at large.

Stillwater, OK

You can have goats and sheep in Stillwater, OK, as long as you don't keep them within 150 feet of any dwelling, manufactured home, hotel, grocery store, or food service establishment. This distance requirement does not apply to the keeping of goats and sheep in Agricultural Districts, where the distance requirement is 50 feet. In all zoning districts, goats and sheep are required by ordinance to be provided with suitable pens or enclosures. Such pens or enclosures should provide at least 1,500 square feet of ground space per animal. Furthermore, all pens and enclosures wherein goats and sheep are kept should be kept clean and free from all filth.

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