Can You Own Goats or Sheep in Maryland?

A young white goat

Whether you can have goats or sheep as pets in Maryland depends on the zoning district in which you reside. For example, if you live in a rural or agricultural zone, you can own farm or livestock animals, including goats and sheep. However, if you live in a residential district, you may or may not be permitted to own livestock animals. While some Maryland municipalities permit goats and sheep in residential areas, others do not.

In some municipalities, miniature/pygmy goats or sheep are allowed to be kept as pets on residential properties. If you're considering having pet goats or sheep, contact your local Zoning Office or Animal Services to check and see if goats and sheep are permitted in your neighborhood. Meanwhile, I've put together a list of some Maryland municipalities that allow urban sheep or goat keeping.

Baltimore, MD

Baltimore City allows residents to own miniature goats with a permit. The keeping sheep, however, is not permitted in the city. Only miniature, dwarf or pygmy breeds of goats are allowed. Examples of dwarf or pygmy goats allowed in Baltimore include the Pygmy (UK goat breed), Nigerian Dwarf goat, American Pygmy, and Mini Toggenburg. You may keep no more than 2 female or neutered male goats on a lot less than 20,000 square feet, according to the Baltimore Animal Control Ordinance

For every 5,000 square feet of lot area over 20,000 square feet, one additional goat is allowed, up to a maximum of six goats. All mini goats are required to be dehorned. The structure in which goats are kept should be so secure as to prevent the goats from escaping.

Columbia, (Howard County) MD

In Columbia, MD, livestock animals, including goats and sheep are permitted under certain conditions, according to the Howard County Code. As a goat or sheep owner, you're required to provide your animals with adequate food, water, and shelter. Additionally, you should provide your animals with a fenced enclosure strong enough and high enough to contain them. Furthermore, you should keep your animal enclosure in such a condition as not to create a nuisance to your neighbors.

Anne Arundel County, MD

The keeping of livestock including goats and sheep is allowed in Anne Arundel County, MD. According to the County Code, sheep and goats may be kept on a lot of 40,000 square feet or greater. A maximum of 10 sheep or goats is allowed per 40,000 square feet of lot area.

Prince George's County, MD

Goats and sheep may be kept in Prince George's County under certain conditions. According to the County Code, all animals, including goats and sheep, kept within the County, whether for commercial purposes or otherwise, should at all times be maintained in a clean and sanitary condition, free from obnoxious odors. The premises upon which goats and sheep are kept are subject to inspection by Animal Control Officers. Further, you should not permit your sheep or goats to disturb the quiet of any person or neighborhood. The County Code prohibits the running at large of sheep and goats.

Calvert County, MD

A parcel of at least three acres is required to own sheep or goats in Calvert County, Maryland. If your property does not meet this requirement, you may obtain a special exception from the Board of Appeals, For specific information, contact to Department of Planning & Zoning at 410-535-2348 or visit the county's website.

Bel Air, MD

You can have pet sheep or goats in the Town of Bel Air, as long you don't permit the animals to be at large. The Town's municipal code expressly prohibits the running at large of sheep and goats on the streets, alleys, or avenues of the Town. Any sheep or goats found running at large will be taken up and impounded by a Harford Animal Control Officer. It is also lawful for any citizen of the Town to take up and impound animals running at large.

Frederick County, MD

In Frederick County, MD, the keeping of farm animals, including goats and sheep, in conjunction with a single-family residence is permitted in all residential districts. According to the County's Zoning Ordinance, farm animals may be kept on lots less than 3 acres with a single-family dwelling, provided their enclosure is located 50 feet from any property line. The keeping farm animals should not cause any odor, or unreasonable noise which can be detected at or beyond the property line.

Kent County, MD

In Kent County, MD, the raising of livestock, including sheep and goats, for noncommercial purposes is permitted in the RC and RR districts. Kent County's Zoning Code requires all structures for the housing of sheep and goats to be located 200 feet from the property line. Waste management structures should be located 600 feet from the nearest property line.

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