Can You Own Goats or Sheep in Idaho?

A goat

Yes, you have a pet goat or sheep in Idaho! However, depending on where you live, you may need to meet certain requirements to own livestock animals. Goats and sheep are considered livestock or farm animals and are usually permitted as a use by right in agricultural zones. In urban areas, the keeping of farm animals may either not be permitted or subject to conditions and requirements. If you reside in an urban area, check with your Planning and Zoning Department or local Animal Control before keeping farm animals on your premises. The following Idaho municipalities permit goats and sheep.

Twin Falls, ID

In the City of Twin Falls, you can have goats or sheep in your residential yard, provided you meet certain requirements. Per the City's Code Enforcement Department, you need to have at least one acre of property and at least 10,000 square feet of real property or pastureland to own goats or sheep. The fenced enclosure should be so constructed as to prevent the animals from going upon adjoining properties. All goat or sheep owners in the city are required to obtain a permit from the Code Enforcement Department. Prior to the issuance of a permit, the Department may inspect places and premises where the animals are kept or housed. Structures or pens used for the keeping of goats or sheep should be kept in clean and sanitary conditions, free from obnoxious odors and substances.

Hayden, ID

You need a property of at least one acre to own goats or sheep in Hayden, Idaho. The goats or sheep are to be kept on a minimum of 3/4 acre of securely fenced, irrigated open space. The number of goats or sheep allowed per acre is limited to a total of ten points, using the point system in the City's municipal code. The City Code does not require you to obtain a permit to keep goats or sheep.

Moscow, ID

To maintain or keep 1 goat or 1 sheep in Moscow, Idaho, you need to have at least 10,000 square feet of real property. For each additional animal, an additional 5,000 square feet is required. A fence enclosing goats and sheep should be so constructed as to prevent the animals from leaving your property. If your property does not meet the minimum size requirement, you may request a permit to keep goats or sheep, provided you obtain the written consent of more than 75% of property owners within a radius of 200 feet of your property. For more information, refer to Moscow's Animal Ordinance.

Boise, ID

A minimum of one acre is required to keep sheep or goats in the City of Boise, Idaho. A maximum of 4 goats or sheep is allowed per acre, according to the City's Use Regulations. Sheep and goats should be so kept as to not cause adverse impacts on neighboring properties. Structures housing sheep or goats should be situated at least 10 feet from any building used for human habitation on adjacent lots.

Meridian, ID

In Meridian, ID, you're permitted to own goats or sheep under certain conditions. Per Title 6, Chapter 2, Sec 6-2-7 of Meridian's municipal code, you're required to keep your goats or sheep in a sanitary condition. Your animals should not emit noises disturbing to neighbors. Furthermore, it's unlawful for you to keep goats or sheep in an enclosure that is inadequate to keep the animals.

Nampa, ID

In the City of Nampa, goats and sheep are considered medium agricultural animals. However, miniature goats kept as pets are not considered as such. The minimum lot size requirement for the keeping of agricultural animals is 30,000 square feet. In the RA, IP, IL, and IH Zoning Districts, a maximum of 2 goats or sheep is allowed per 10,000 square feet of lot area. There is no restriction on the number of goats or sheep allowed in the Agricultural zoning district.

By ordinance, animal enclosures are required to be situated at least 30 from any property lines and 50 feet from any residential structures. Further, animal enclosures should not be located in the front yard. No more than one pygmy goat may be kept as a pet in addition to the number of dogs allowed per household in any zoning district.

Caldwell, ID

A minimum lot size of one-half acre is required for the keeping of goats or sheep within the city of Caldwell. Per the City's Land Use Regulations, a maximum of 4 goats or sheep is allowed per one-half acre. If you wish to keep both goats and sheep, you may keep them in any combination not exceeding 4 in total. The City of Caldwell allows for miniature/pygmy goats to be kept as pets. No more than 2 miniature/pygmy goats may be kept as household pets, regardless of lot or parcel size.

Pocatello, ID

Livestock Permit is required for the keeping of sheep and goats in Pocatello, ID. The permit, which must be renewed yearly, allows you to have up to 2 goats or sheep. The permit is issued by the animal services director. Under the permit, you should not construct any animal structure within 30 feet of the residence of any neighboring property. Your application should be accompanied by the written consent of at least 75% of property owners within 100 feet of your property unless such requirement is excluded by the animal services director.

Coeur d'Alene, ID

In Coeur d'Alene, the keeping of livestock animals including goats and sheep is prohibited, except in certain zones. According to Coeur d'Alene's municipal code, any person living on property zoned R-1 may possess up to 2 domestic livestock. It is unlawful for you to permit your goats or sheep to trespass upon the property of another or be in a public place.

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