Can You Own Goats or Sheep in Hawaii?

a brown and white goat

Whether or not you can have pet goats or sheep in Hawaii depends on where you reside. Goats and sheep are considered farm animals and are usually permitted only in agricultural zones. If you live in a residential neighborhood, you may need to check with your zoning office or local animal control before keeping a farm animal on your property. Goats and sheep are literally permitted in all Hawaii counties. Still, it's strongly encouraged that you check with your city or town for specific regulations.

Honolulu, HI

Subject to certain requirements, goats and sheep are permitted in Honolulu, Hawaii. According to Honolulu's Use Regulations, all zoning lots should be a minimum of 3 acres in size. Goat or sheep enclosures should meet all applicable zoning and building code requirements. Additionally, they should meet all applicable sanitation requirements. By ordinance, goat or sheep enclosures are required to be located more than 300 feet from any property line.

Hawai'i County, HI

Goats and sheep are allowed in Hawai'i County. However, certain requirements must be met. According to Hawai'i County's Zoning Code, enclosures for the keeping of goats and sheep or any permitted animals should be located at least seventy-five feet from any lot line. In the FA district, accessory buildings and enclosures for the shelter and confinement of any livestock should be located at least 30 feet from the side and rear property lines. The raising of sheep or goats for commercial purposes requires a permit.

Kauai County, HI

The raising and pasturing of goats is permitted in Kauai County, provided certain requirements are met. Per the County's Agricultural Dedication Program Rules, a maximum of 3 goats is permitted per acre of land. For every additional acre of land, an additional 3 goats is permitted. The pasturing and open grazing goats constitute an agricultural use. The area within which the goats are kept is required to be completely fenced.

Maui County, HI

You can own goats and sheep in Maui County as long as you don't allow them to run at large. Maui County's Animal Ordinance expressly makes it unlawful for you to permit your animals to stray upon public streets. According to the ordinance, the term "animals" mean only cattle, horses, mules, asses, swine, sheep, and goats.

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