Can You Own a Goat or Sheep in Pennsylvania?

Baby goats

Whether you can have backyard goats or sheep in Pennsylvania depends on the size of your property and your local zoning laws. Goats and sheep are considered livestock or farm animals and are generally allowed in rural or agricultural zones. On the other hand, not all residential zones allow farm animals. If you live in a residential zone, you need to review your local zoning regulations or contact your local animal control to find out if keeping farm animals is permitted where you live. The following Pennsylvania municipalities, for example, allow urban livestock keeping.

Philadelphia, PA

Under Philadelphia's municipal code, goats and sheep are classified as "Farm Animals." Per § 10-112 of the city code, farm animals, including goats and sheep, may be kept on a parcel of 3 or more acres of real property. In essence, a parcel of real property of 3 acres is required for the keeping of backyard goats and sheep in Philadelphia. In addition, the city code requires that all buildings and enclosures in which goats or sheep are kept be maintained in a clean and sanitary condition. Further, such enclosures should be kept in good repair.

Pittsburgh, PA

The City of Pittsburgh's urban agriculture zoning code makes keeping miniature goats permitted by right. According to the zoning code, no more than 2 miniature goats may be kept on properties between 2,000 square feet and 10,000 square feet in size. On properties of 10,000 square feet, 2 mini goats may be kept, with one additional mini goat allowed for every additional 5,000 square feet of property. Only dehorned, female, and castrated male mini goats are allowed. The zoning code required all animal structures and roaming areas to be kept sanitary and free from accumulations of animal excrement and objectionable odor.

Upper Darby, PA

In the Township of Upper Darby, a lot of one acre in area is required to keep backyard goats and sheep. The Township's municipal code requires all animal structures to be constructed of such material and in such a manner that it can at all times be maintained in a clean and sanitary condition. The Township code makes it unlawful for any goat or sheep owner to permit their animals to run at large or to cause any annoyance to persons in the Township. If a complaint has been made against a property, the Director of the Department of Public Health will have such property inspected and issue any such order as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of the Township code.

Scranton, PA

The keeping of goats and sheep for private, noncommercial use is permitted in all districts within the City of Scranton, PA, subject to certain requirements. For starters, a permit, which is issued by the Zoning Officer, is required to keep goats and sheep in the city. In addition, a minimum of three acres of land is required. According to the City's Zoning Code, no more than one sheep may be kept on a lot of 3 acres. For every one-half (0.5) acre over 3 acres, one additional sheep is allowed. Miniature goats are considered household pets and may be kept on any lot within the city.

Bensalem, PA

The keeping of livestock animals including goats and sheep is permitted in the R-A and R-AA zoning districts within Bensalem, PA. In the R-AA districts, any building used for keeping or raising goats or sheep is required to be situated not less than 50 feet from any street line and property line. In the R-A district, structures used for keeping or raising goats and sheep should be situated at least 50 feet from any street line and 25 feet from any other property line.

Cecil Township, PA

In Cecil Township, PA, a minimum track area of one acre is required to keep two goats or sheep. For every additional one acre over one acre, one additional goat or sheep is allowed. The keeping of billy goats (male goats) is not permitted in the Township, according to Ordinance No. 9 -2016. All goats and sheep should be entirely enclosed by a fence not closer than 25 feet to any property or street line.

Haverford Township, PA

In Haverford Township, PA, you need to have at least one acre of land to raise and keep goats in your backyard. According to the Township's municipal code, |no person shall keep or raise any large animal or farm animals on any lot less than one acre in area." As required by the Township code, all large animals and farm animals should be confined in corrals, pastures, or other outdoor spaces. Further, no part of such strictures or enclosures should be closer than 100 feet from the exterior limits of any dwelling or property line.

Harrisburg, PA

The keeping of goats and sheep is permitted in Harrisburg, PA, subject to certain requirements. According to Harrisburg's municipal code, a minimum of 60,000 square feet of lot area is required for the first goat or sheep. For every 20,000 square feet of lot area over 60,000 square feet, one additional animal is allowed. Also, the first goat or sheep should be provided a pen or enclosure of at least 1,600 square feet. For each additional animal, 400 square feet of pen or enclosure is required. Within the pen or enclosure, a stable or similar roofed structure with an area of at least 100 square feet for each animal should be provided. Furthermore, all animal pens or enclosures should be located at least 100 feet from any street or other property line.

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