Can You Own a Goat or Sheep in Washington State?

A goat and her three kids

Whether or not you can have pet goats or sheep in Washington State depends on the city you live in and the size of your property. Sheep and goats are commonly considered livestock or farm animals and therefore are not permitted in all residential zoning districts. You can own goats or sheep if you live in a rural or agricultural zone within Washington State.

However, if your property is zoned as "residential," you need to check with your local Code Enforcement, Zoning Office, or Animal Control to determine whether goats or sheep are permitted in your area. In some Washington State cities, pygmy, dwarf, or miniature goats are allowed to be kept as pets. The City of Seattle, for example, allows residents to keep miniature goats as pets with a license. Below is a list of nine Washington State municipalities that allow goats and sheep.

Seattle, WA

In the City of Seattle, only miniature goats are permitted to be kept as household pets. Standard-sized goats and sheep aren't permitted. Pet mini goats are required to be dehorned and males should be neutered. An annual license is required for each mini goat kept in the city. Please consult the Seattle Animal Shelter at 206-386-7387 for information on licensing costs. According to Title 9, Sec. 9.25.052 of Seattle's municipal code, within 30 days of entry of any mini goat into the city, the owner must obtain a valid license for the goat. To obtain a mini goat license, you will need to provide proof that the goat is dehorned, and if it is a male, that it is neutered.

Spokane, WA

An animal-keeping certification from Washington State University is required to keep small goats and sheep in Spokane, WA. Spokane's municipal code allows for small livestock animals to be kept in the RA, R1, R2, RMF, and RHD zoning districts and any zone that permits dwelling units. Under the city code, small livestock animals are defined as livestock animals measuring 36 inches or less in height or weighing 150 pounds or less in weight. American pygmy goats and Babydoll sheep can be considered small livestock animals. One miniature goat or miniature sheep is allowed per 2,500 square feet of lot area. Male miniature goats and sheep are required to be de-scented and/or neutered using humane standards.

Tacoma, WA

In Tacoma, WA, you can own sheep and goats provided you meet certain conditions. According to Tacoma Municipal Code (TMC) 5.23.020, you need to file with the City Clerk’s Office written consent from all property owners within 50 feet of your property. In addition, you need a property with a total area of not less than 20,000 square feet. The enclosure or structure in which you intend to house the animals should be located not less than 50 feet from the adjoining property lines. All buildings or structures housing goats and sheep are required to be rodentproof and comply with the City of Tacoma Building Code.

Vancouver, WA

Goats and sheep are allowed for hobby and personal use purposes in all zoning districts within the city of Vancouver, Washington State. Under Vancouver's municipal code, a minimum lot size of 1/2 acre is required for the first standard-sized goat or sheep. For every additional 5,000 square feet of lot area, one additional standard-sized goat or sheep is allowed. The minimum half-acre lot may have a normally permitted residential building if at least one-quarter acre is available for livestock use.

Miniature goats and miniature sheep are considered domestic animals and exempt from the minimum lot size requirement. However, according to the city code, the combined total of all miniature goats, sheep, and dogs on a single premises should not be more than three, unless the lot size requirements are met.

Bellevue, WA

Under the city of Bellevue's municipal code, goats and sheep are classified as "Large Domestic Animals." A minimum lot size of 20,000 square feet is required to keep large domestic animals in the city. For one goat or sheep, a lot area of 10,000 square feet is required. The structure to house the goat or sheep may not be located within 25 feet of a property line.

Everett, WA

Only miniature goats are permitted to be kept in residentially zoned areas within Everett, WA. According to Everett's livestock ordinance, miniature goats include pygmy, Nigerian dwarf, Pygora goat, or similar breeds. Adult miniature goats should not exceed 25 inches in height or weigh more than 85 pounds. A maximum of three miniature goats is permitted on lots over 10,000 square feet of a single-family residential dwelling unit. All male miniature goats should be neutered, as required by the ordinance.

Renton, WA

In Renton, WA, two standard-sized goats or sheep are permitted on lots that are at least 1 gross acre in size. For every additional 43,560 square feet of lot area, one additional standard-sized goat or sheep is allowed. Under Renton's municipal code, mini goats and mini sheep are considered "Medium Lot Domestic Animals." Up to two mini goats or sheep may be kept on lots that are at least 12,500 gross square feet in size. One additional mini goat or sheep is allowed for every additional 7,500 square feet of lot area.

Federal Way, WA

According to Federal Way's animal ordinance, the keeping of goats or sheep must be clearly accessory to the principal residential use of your property. Under the ordinance, goats and sheep are regulated as "large domestic animals." A property of at least 70,000 square feet is required for the keeping of large domestic animals in the city. A maximum of two large domestic animals is allowed per lot of 70,000 square feet. For every additional 35,000 square feet of lot area, one additional large domestic animal is permitted.

Animal pens and structures should be maintained in a clean condition at all times and be set back at least 40 feet from each property line. Furthermore, your property is required to contain an area of at least 14,500 square feet configured in a suitable manner to be used as a roaming, grazing, or paddock area for the animals. This area should be setback at least 20 feet from each property line and be exclusive of barns, storage sheds, and other structures. All roaming, grazing and paddock areas should be accessible to trucks to deliver feed and remove manure.

Kirkland, WA

Sheep and goats are regulated as large domestic animals in Kirkland, Washington State. According to Kirkland's Zoning Code, there is a required review process for properties less than 35,000 square feet in size. You can have 2 goats or sheep per 35,000 square feet of lot area, and one additional goat or sheep per every additional 17,500 square feet of lot area. You're required to provide a suitable barn or pen to house the goats or sheep. The barn should be located at least 40 feet from each property line and the roaming and grazing areas 20 feet from each property line.

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