Can You Own a Goat or Sheep in Virginia?

A goat in a yard

Whether or not you can have backyard goats or sheep in Virginia depends on the municipality in which you live and the size of your property. Goats and sheep are commonly considered livestock or agricultural animals and therefore are generally allowed in agricultural zones. While some municipalities allow livestock animals in residential zones, others prohibit them. In the City of Virginia Beach, for example, goats and sheep are only allowed in areas zoned for agricultural use, not in residential areas.

If your property is zoned as "residential," you need to make sure that goats or sheep are permitted in your area. Places to contact include your local Animal Control, Zoning Office, or Code Enforcement Office. You can also search for your municipality's animal or zoning ordinance online. Below are links to some Virginia cities' animal ordinances.

Alexandria, VA

A property of one and one-half acres is required to own goats and sheep in the city of Alexandria, Virginia. In addition, the city code requires that goats and sheep be kept more than 200 feet from any residence or dwelling other than the animal owner's and more than 25 feet from any property line. A maximum of two goats or sheep and their immature offspring is allowed per one and one-half acres. For every additional one-half acre of land, one goat or sheep and its immature offspring are allowed.

Chesapeake, VA

In Chesapeake, VA, the keeping of goats and sheep is permitted in the A-1, Agricultural District and the RE-1, Residential Estate District. According to the city's website, properties within the RE-1 zoning district are allowed to keep livestock animals in accordance with the animal units allowed on a particular property. For specific information, please contact the city's Planning Department at 757-382-6176.

Suffolk, VA

In Suffolk, VA, the keeping of goats and sheep is permitted in the A (Agricultural), RR (Rural Residential), and RE (Rural Estate) zoning districts. Per the City of Suffolk Unified Development Ordinance, goats and sheep are prohibited in all other zoning districts. All goats and sheep kept in the A, RR, and RE zones are required to be fenced so that they are no closer than 20 feet from a dwelling unit on an adjoining property. The ordinance also requires all goats and sheep to be kept in such a condition as not to become a nuisance, hazard, and/or health problem to adjoining neighbors.

Hopewell, VA

In Hopewell, VA, goat and sheep owners are required to keep their animals more than 100 yards from any residence, except their own residence. Per Chapter 6, Sec. 6-4 of the City Code, no goat or sheep owner should permit their animal to run at large in the city. Furthermore, all stables, sheds, pens, or other place wherein goats or sheep are kept should not be permitted to become or remain filthy or unwholesome.

Charlottesville, VA

In Charlottesville, VA, only miniature goats are allowed to be kept in any residential zoning district. The keeping of standard-sized goats and sheep in residential zones is prohibited under the city's municipal code. Male miniature goats are required to be neutered. All miniature goats are required to be dehorned. No more than 3 miniature goats are allowed per property. Baby mini goats may be kept on the property until the age of 12 weeks.

Manassas, VA

In Manassas, VA, a permit from the chief of police is required to keep goats and sheep in all zoning districts except agriculture A-1. If you reside in an area zoned agriculture A-1, you don't need a permit to own goats or sheep. All other zoning districts require a permit, the issuance of which is subject to certain conditions and restrictions.

According to Chapter 18, Sec. 18-112 of Manassas' municipal code, the stable, stable yard, pen, or other enclosure in which any goat or sheep is to be kept should be located at least 250 feet from the nearest dwelling, excluding the animal owner's. Additionally, all animal stables, stable yards, pens, or other enclosures are to be maintained free from flies and in a sanitary condition. Furthermore, all animal enclosures should be so adequately fenced as to prevent the animals from running at large.

Danville, VA

You can own goats or sheep in Danville, VA, provided you keep them more than 125 feet from other people's residences and from any church or school building. However, according to Danville's municipal code, you may keep goats or sheep within 125 feet of a neighboring residence provided the neighbor consents to it and that you keep your animal yard clean, sanitary, and free from all refuse.

Winchester, VA

A property of at least two acres is required to keep goats and sheep in Winchester, Virginia. In addition, the goats or sheep should be securely fenced or otherwise be prevented from escaping. Per Chapter 5, Sec. 5-14 of the city code, a maximum of six goats, sheep, or any combination thereof not exceeding 6 in total is permitted per two acres of property. This number restriction, however, does not apply to goats or sheep under the age of eight months.

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