Can You Own a Goat or Sheep in Texas?

A brown goat

Texas State law does not regulate the keeping of livestock or backyard animals, including goats and sheep. These animals are primarily regulated by local ordinances or zoning laws. So, whether or not you can have backyard goats or sheep depends on where you live in Texas. Also, it depends on whether you live in a residentially zoned district or an agriculturally zoned one, as well as the size of your property. If you live within city limits, your city's code of ordinances or zoning laws will determine whether or not you can have goats or sheep on your residential property. If you live in a rural or agricultural zone in Texas, you can have goats and sheep.

However, regardless of the zoning district in which you live, it's best to check with your local zoning office, code enforcement, or animal control prior to keeping any goats or sheep in your backyard. 

In some Texas municipalities, pygmy/miniature goats or sheep are permitted to be kept as pets. For example, the city of Denison, TX, allows for pygmy goats to be kept only as pets. Each household in Denison is limited to two pygmy goats. In Whitesboro, TX, no more than two spayed or neutered pygmy goats are allowed as pets per household. A maximum of two pygmy goats is allowed per household in San Marcos, TX. Below are links to local ordinances related to the keeping of goats and sheep in some of Texas' most populous cities.

San Antonio, TX

You can have goats or sheep in San Antonio, TX, provided you meet certain requirements and conditions. According to San Antonio's municipal code Chapter 5, Article III, Sec. 5-52, each sheep or goat should be provided with at least 200 square feet of pen of which 40 square feet is under roof. It is unlawful for any person to kill any sheep or goats in any public place within the city. Sec. 5-18 of the city code requires all goats and sheep to be kept in a sanitary manner.

El Paso, TX

You can have backyard goats or sheep in El Paso, TX, but not without first obtaining a permit from the city. On the application form, you're required to provide your name and residence, and the location of the premises where you intend to keep the animals. In addition, you should provide the acreage and square footage of the area in which the animals will be confined, the number of goats or sheep you intend to keep, and the kind of enclosure within which you intend to keep them. According to Sec. 7.24.030 of El Paso's animal ordinance, all goats and sheep should be kept in a secure pen or enclosure located not less than 100 feet from any private residence (except that of the animal owner's) or any hotel, apartment house, hospital, church, or school.

Fort Worth, TX

In Fort Worth, TX, goats and sheep are classified as "Large Animals." According to the City's Large Animal Ordinance, large animals are permitted by right in "A" one-family and "B" two-family districts. In those districts, a pasture land of 10,000 square feet is required for each standard-sized goat and sheep. For each miniature goat and sheep, a pasture land of 5,000 square feet is required. A total of one-half acre of contiguous land is required to keep a large animal. By ordinance, you're required to keep your large animals at least 50 feet away from a regulated structure.

Furthermore, you must reside on the same property with the animals or within ¼ mile of the property where the animals are being kept. If you cannot meet these conditions, you may apply to the Board of Adjustment for a special exception.

In the "AG" Agricultural and "K" Heavy Industrial Districts, you must either keep your animals at least 50 feet away from a regulated structure or provide the pasture land required for each animal in the one-family and two-family districts.

Austin, TX

Keeping sheep and goats is allowed in most residential areas in Austin, Texas. The City Code requires all standard-sized goats and sheep to be kept at least 100 feet from adjoining residentially zoned property and 50 feet from a structure used for human habitation. An enclosure used to keep not more than one goat or sheep weighing less than 200 pounds should be situated at least 10 feet from any residence, other than the animal owner's. 

On the other hand, an enclosure used to keep one or two female or neutered male miniature goats or sheep should be situated at least 10 feet from a structure used for human habitation, other than the animal owner's structure. An enclosure used to keep more than two but fewer than six female or neutered male mini goats or sheep should be located at least 50 feet from a structure used for human habitation. The distance requirement for enclosures used to keep six or more female or neutered male mini goats or sheep, or one or more un-neutered male mini goats or sheep is 100 feet from a structure used for human habitation.

Arlington, TX

In Arlington, TX, you can have backyard goats and sheep as long as you keep them 100 feet from any habitation located on another's property, according to the City's Animal Codes. Under the city code, you commit an offense if you herd any sheep or goat on a public sidewalk or private or public property without the effective consent of the owner of such property. Also, you commit an offense if you fail to keep your goats or sheep from being at large.

Laredo, TX

Goats and sheep are classified as "Large livestock" under the City of Laredo's municipal code. A special permit is required for the keeping of large livestock in the city. All large livestock kept within the city limits are required to be securely confined within an enclosed area. In addition, such enclosure should be so adequate as to prevent the escape of the animals therefrom at all times. If you keep more than 5 goats or sheep within an enclosure, such enclosure should not be located within a distance of less than 200 feet of any building.

Irving, TX

You can have goats or sheep in Irving, TX, provided you meet certain requirements. According to Chapter 6, Article VII, Sec. 6-60 of Irving's municipal code, a lot or parcel of land containing at least 1,000 square feet of uninterrupted space is required for each goat or sheep. Additionally, at least 75 square feet of overhead shelter is required for each animal. All goats and sheep are required to be kept at least 50 feet from any building used for human habitation on another's property.

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