Can You Own a Goat or Sheep in Tennessee?

A city goat

Tennessee State law allows the keeping of goats and sheep but local laws dictate where the keeping must happen. Goats and sheep are generally considered livestock or farm animals and therefore are allowed in rural or agricultural areas. In residentially zoned districts, however, not so much. So whether or not you can have backyard goats or sheep depends on where you live in Tennessee. You may not face strict regulations when it comes to owning goats or sheep in a rural or agricultural zone.

In a residential area, either farm animals are not allowed or certain requirements or conditions must be met to own them. If you live in a residential area, contact your local zoning office, animal control, or code enforcement to determine whether farm animals such as goats or sheep are allowed in your area. Meanwhile, I've listed below some Tennessee municipalities that allow the keeping of farm animals under certain conditions.

Nashville-Davidson, TN

In the Nashville metropolitan area, the keeping of goats and sheep is allowed in all zoning districts except for the Urban Services District. If you reside in the Urban Services District, Metro codes prohibit you from having goats or sheep within 1,000 feet of any residence or place of business, unless you obtain a permit from the Metro Health Department. In 2014, for example, the Department issued a permit allowing a Woodbine resident to keep his pet goat named Zoey.

According to the Tennessean, that permit, which was numbered 001, was the first the Metro had ever issued for a goat. According to Brent Hager, the department's director of environmental health, Zoey the goat was very well cared for and very friendly. According to the Metro Code, you'll be issued a permit to keep a goat or sheep in the Urban Services District only when the director determines that the keeping of such animals in your yard or building will not injuriously affect public health.

Memphis, TN

A permit from the health officer is required to own a goat or sheep in the City of Memphis, Tennessee. According to Memphis's municipal code Sec. 8-8-10, you may not keep any goat or sheep within 1,000 feet of any residence or place of business without a permit from the health officer to do so. The health officer will grant you a permit only when he or she determines that the keeping of such animals on your premises will not injuriously affect the public's health.

Knoxville, TN

A permit from the animal shelter is required for the keeping of goats and sheep in any residential section within the city of Knoxville, Tennessee. Per Chapter 5, Article IV, Sec. 5-101 of Knoxville's municipal code, your premises will be subject to inspection by the animal shelter or county health department. The issuance of a permit by the animal shelter for the keeping of sheep or goats in a residential area of the city signifies that the owner's premises meet those standards necessary for the maintenance of clean conditions and proper husbandry practices.

A Permit is also required for prescribed goat grazing in Knoxville. The permit allows for the temporary use of goats or sheep for prescribed grazing activities. For more info, visit the Application for Permit for Prescribed Goat Grazing.

Hendersonville, TN

Goats and sheep are permitted in Hendersonville, TN, as long as they are confined by a fence. According to Hendersonville's animal control ordinance, all livestock owners within the City should ensure that their animals are confined within a sufficient and lawful fence. The owner of any goat or sheep not adequately fenced or found running at large will be guilty of a misdemeanor and fined $50, plus court costs.

Kingsport, TN

According to Kingsport's Code Enforcement, there are no ordinances prohibiting the keeping of goats or sheep in the city as long as all property maintenance codes are adhered to.

Cleveland, TN

In Cleveland, Tennessee, the keeping of goats and sheep is permitted in the RA (Residential Agricultural) district. In all other zoning districts, a property of 5 acres is required for the keeping of goats and sheep, according to ordinance number 2021-26.

Brentwood, TN

A lot of three acres is required for the keeping of goats and sheep in Brentwood, Tennessee. According to Chapter 10, Sec. 10-4 of Brentwood's municipal code, it is unlawful for any person to keep within the city any livestock, including, but not limited to sheep and goats, on any lot less than three acres.

Mt. Juliet, TN

Under certain conditions, goats and sheep are permitted in Mt. Juliet, Tennessee. According to the City's livestock ordinance, it is unlawful for any person owning any goat or sheep to knowingly or negligently permit such animal to run at large within the city. All structures, corrals, pens, or enclosures in which goats or sheep are kept are required to at all times be maintained in a clean and sanitary condition.

Germantown, TN

You can have goats or sheep in Germantown, TN, so long as you don't permit them to leave your premises. Per Chapter 5, Sec. 5-3 of Germantown's municipal code, "it shall be unlawful for any goat or sheep owner to permit or allow such animals to go at large any time within the city, to the damage or annoyance of any of the residents of the city."

La Vergne, TN

In La Vergne, TN, goats and sheep may be kept under certain conditions. According to La Vergne's municipal code, you should not knowingly or negligently permit your animals to run at large. All pens or enclosures in which goats or sheep are kept should be maintained in a clean condition. By ordinance, all goats and sheep are required to be provided with adequate food, water, and shelter. Furthermore, the keeping of goats or sheep in such a manner as to become a nuisance is prohibited.

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