Can You Own a Goat or Sheep in Rhode Island?

A young goat grazing

In Rhode Island, goats and sheep are primarily seen as livestock or farm animals. While Rhode Island State law does not prohibit the keeping of farm animals as pets, individual municipalities may have their own rules. As livestock or farm animals, goats and sheep are generally permitted in rural or agricultural zones. In residential areas, however, not so much. Each Rhode Island municipality’s zoning ordinance plays an important role in determining whether goats and sheep can be kept in certain residential areas.

These ordinances often include lot size requirements and regulations on the types and number of livestock animals allowed in specific zones. To maintain a peaceful and harmonious living environment for all residents, the keeping of goats and sheep may be restricted in densely populated residential areas. Therefore, if you reside in a residential zone, it is essential to consult your local authorities and zoning ordinances before keeping any goats or sheep as pets in your backyard. The following Rhode Island municipalities, for example, permit goats and sheep.

Providence, RI

Under the City of Providence's municipal code, the keeping of sheep and goats isn't prohibited. Per Chapter 4, Sec. 4-2 of the city code, no sheep or goats should go at large, loose, or unfastened on any public street or highway within the city limits. Further, all animal owners in the city are required to maintain a sanitary environment, which is dry and free of accumulated feces, debris, and garbage. For specific information, contact the Providence Animal Control Division or Code Enforcement Division.

Richmond, RI

In the Town of Richmond, RI, the keeping of goats and sheep is permitted on a lot or premises as an accessory to a principal residential use, provided certain conditions are met. According to the Town's domestic livestock ordinance, a lot on which any goat or sheep is kept should have an area of at least one acre for the residential use in addition to the area required to accommodate the animals. The keeping of more than three animal units of domestic livestock on one lot requires a special use permit. For your information, 5 goats or sheep equal one animal unit. Each acre of land is limited to one animal unit.

Pawtucket, RI

In Pawtucket, RI, a permit from the Animal Control Officer is required to keep goats and sheep. According to Pawtucket's municipal code, no owner or occupant of any dwelling shall keep any sheep or goats in any dwelling house, cellar, or garage, or shall have any such animals kept in the City except under such special conditions as may be prescribed by the Animal Control Officer.

East Providence, RI

In East Providence, you may keep goats or sheep under certain conditions as may be prescribed by the animal control officer. In essence, you can't own a goat or sheep in the city without first obtaining a permit from the animal control officer. According to East Providence's municipal code, it's unlawful for any goats or sheep to go at large within the city.

Coventry, RI

Under certain restrictions/conditions, the keeping of livestock or farm animals, including goats and sheep is permitted in the Town of Coventry, Rhode Island. According to the Town Code, you should not keep any livestock or farm animals unless you have a fenced outdoor enclosure to adequately contain the animals. Further, you should maintain the fenced outdoor enclosure in a clean, sanitary condition and provide the animals with proper food, water, and shelter.

South Kingstown, RI

You can own goats or sheep in South Kingstown, as long as you don't allow them to go at large. According to South Kingstown Code Chapter 3, Sec. 3-3, any property owner or tenant who owns and keeps any farm animal or livestock on his or her property should ensure that said animal does not stray from their property. For the first offense, the property owner will receive a written warning. A second offense within a one-year period is punishable by a fine of $50. For a third offense within a one-year period, the property owner will be fined $100.

West Warwick, RI

The keeping of a small number of goats or sheep for noncommercial purposes is permitted as an accessory use in West Warwick, Rhode Island. According to West Warwick's Zoning Ordinance, "the incidental raising of small numbers of livestock for on-premises household consumption is deemed an accessory use if no sale of animals or animal products are conducted."

Westerly, RI

Provided you meet certain requirements, you can have backyard goats or sheep in Westerly, Rhode Island. According to the Town's municipal code, you may not keep any livestock on any lot or parcel of land located within the Town unless you keep your animal enclosure at least 100 feet from your residence and from any neighboring residence.

Bristol, RI

Under certain conditions, the keeping of goats and sheep is allowed in the Town of Bristol, Rhode Island. According to Bristol's municipal code, the owner or keeper of any sheep or goats within the town should register with the town police department/division of animal control. The requirements for the registration include your name, address and phone number, emergency contact info, where the animals are housed, and the number of, type of animals kept. In addition, you're required to keep the structure or enclosure in which you keep the animals clean and free from decaying food, dirt, water, and fecal matter.

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