Can You Own a Goat or Sheep in New York State?

A mature female goat

Your location in New York State will determine whether or not you own a goat or sheep. Goats and sheep are considered livestock or farm animals in New York State. While some municipalities allow farm animals in residential areas, others ban them. In New York City, for example, most farm animals including goats and sheep are not permitted. Generally, people living in rural or agricultural zones are permitted to own goats and sheep. If you are located in a zoning district other than agricultural, check your local zoning ordinance or contact your local animal control to determine whether goats or sheep are permitted in your neighborhood. For example, the New York State municipalities listed below permit goats and sheep.

Rome, NY

In Rome, NY, a minimum lot area of one acre is required to keep goats and sheep as an accessory use only in the AG and R-R districts. Enclosures for keeping goats or sheep should be located 50 feet from any lot line, according to the City's Zoning Code. One goat or sheep is allowed per 10,000 square feet of lot area. An open space or exercise area of 5,000 square feet should be provided for each goat or sheep. All animal enclosures are required to be so designed as to protect the animals from predators, the elements, and inclement weather. Further, all animal enclosures should be kept in such a condition as to prevent any adverse impact, including odor, noise, drainage, or pest infestation.

Wilna, NY

You can own goats and sheep in the Town of Wilna as long as you don't permit the animals to run at large. The Town Code requires all goats and sheep to be provided with proper enclosures so as to prevent them from entering upon public or private property. Additionally, goats and sheep should be provided a fenced area so as to prevent them from running at large.

Colonie, NY

The raising of goats and sheep for noncommercial purposes is permitted in the Town of Colonie on lots of five acres or more. According to the Town Code, structures for the housing of goats and sheep should be located at least 50 feet from any property line. The animals should be provided with a fenced area located a minimum of 50 feet from any property line.

New Rochelle, NY

A property of two acres is required for the keeping of goats and sheep in the City of New Rochelle, NY. One goat or sheep is allowed per acre of land, according to the City Code. By law, you're required to keep your animals at least 50 feet away from the property line of an adjacent residential property.

Village of Hamburg, NY

In the Village of Hamburg, you can own goats or sheep, but not without first obtaining a permit from the Board of Trustees, as required by the Villages' municipal code.

Troy, NY

The keeping of goats and sheep is technically permitted in the City of Troy, New York. According to City's animal ordinance, it's unlawful for any person to permit any sheep or goat, owned by the person, to run or be at large in any part of the City. Any person who violates this rule will be guilty of a misdemeanor, according to the ordinance.

Henrietta, NY

In Henrietta, NY, a permit is required for the keeping of goats and sheep in all residential districts. The permit, which may be obtained from the Town Board, is subject to such terms and conditions as may be appropriate in the particular case, according to the Town's municipal code.

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