Can You Own a Goat or Sheep in New Mexico?

A pygmy goat

Keeping livestock – such as goats and sheep – is permitted in most residential areas in New Mexico. In some New Mexico cities, pygmy goats are permitted as pets. But before engaging in the practice, you need to make sure livestock animals are allowed where you live. This involves checking your zoning laws or contacting your local animal control. The following New Mexico municipalities, for example, allow goats and sheep.

Albuquerque, NM

In Albuquerque, goats and sheep are permitted in the RA-1, R-1, RO-1, and M-1 Zoning Districts, according to Albuquerque's Comprehensive City Zoning Code. In the RA-1 zone, a minimum of 4,000 square feet of open lot area is required for one goat or sheep. In the R-1 zone, goats and sheep may be kept for noncommercial purposes only. A lot of at least 21,780 square feet is required for the keeping of goats or sheep in the R-1 zone. For each sheep or goat, 4,000 square feet of open lot area is required. In the M-1 zone, one sheep or goat is allowed for every 4,000 square feet of open lot area. In the RO-1 zone, 2,000 square feet of lot area is required for each sheep or goat on lots of less than three acres. All buildings, pens, or corrals for goats or sheep should be located at least 20 feet from any existing dwelling unit in the RO-1 zone.

Las Cruces, NM

Under the City of Las Cruces' Code of Ordinances, goats and sheep are classified as "small livestock animals." A special animal permit may be required for the keeping of small livestock animals in the City. Per Chapter 7, Sec. 7-32 of the City Code, a maximum of 6 goats or sheep or any combination of both not exceeding 6 in total is allowed per lot less than one-half acre. On lots greater than one-half acre, the square footage of the open lot area, not including the dwelling unit, required for each goat or sheep is 2,000 square feet.

Rio Rancho, NM

In Rio Rancho, pygmy goats are allowed as household pets. Each household in the city may have no more than five dogs, cats, pygmy goats, or rabbits in any combination. In the R-1: Single-Family zone district, all pygmy goats are required to be dehorned and males neutered. In the E-1 zone, a residential lot of at least one acre is required to keep goats, including pygmy goats. A maximum of three goats, including pygmy goats, may be kept on any one lot, according to Rio Rancho's animal ordinance, which does not address the keeping of sheep.

Clovis, NM

In Clovis, NM, you can own a goat or sheep as long as you keep them more than 200 feet from any residence or business establishment, except your own. Additionally, you must not permit your goat or sheep to be large within the city. According to Clovis' livestock ordinance, you may not keep more than one livestock animal, meaning you can only have one goat or one sheep.

Carlsbad, NM

In Carlsbad, NM, the keeping of goats and sheep is limited to the Rural Residence District on lots of at least three-quarters of an acre. One sheep or goat is allowed for every 4,000 square feet of land, according to Carlsbad's zoning code.

Alamogordo, NM

In Alamogordo, NM, livestock animals including goats and sheep are permitted only in the residential estate (RE) zoning district. If you live in this district, you need to have at least one acre of land to own one goat or one sheep. For every additional acre, one additional goat or sheep is allowed, according to Alamogordo's zoning ordinance. However, pygmy goats are not deemed livestock and may be kept as pets in all zoning districts. Per Chapter 7, Sec. 7-01-020 of Alamogordo's municipal code, you may have up to 3 pygmy goats weighing no more than 50 pounds.

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