Can You Own a Goat or Sheep in Nevada?

A young goat

Whether you can have backyard pet goats or sheep in Nevada depends on two things: #1, the zoning district in which you reside. #2, the size of your property. For example, on properties zoned as agricultural, the keeping of goats and sheep is usually permitted with few or no regulations. On the other hand, properties zoned as residential are not usually allowed to have goats or sheep.

In some residential zones, a special permit or a specific minimum lot size may be required for the keeping of goats or sheep. In others, the keeping of goats or sheep may not be allowed. If you're situated in a residential district, check with your local animal control or zoning office to see if goats or sheep are legal in your neighborhood. For example, the following Nevada municipalities permit urban sheep and goat keeping.

North Las Vegas, NV

In North Las Vegas, the keeping of domesticated farm animals, including goats and sheep, is permitted as an accessory use in the O-L and R-E districts. Per Sec. 17.20.030 (Accessory Uses) of North Las Vegas' Use Regulations, one sheep or goat is permitted per 7,500 square feet of lot area in the O-L district. In the R-E district, one goat or sheep is allowed per 7,500 square feet of lot area with at least a 10-foot setback from any property line and/or residential building.

Carson City, NV

In Carson City, Nevada, goats and sheep are permitted on properties zoned as Agriculture (A), Single-family one-acre (SF1A), Conservation Reserve (CR), Single-family two-acre (SF2A), and Single-family five-acre (SF5A). On those properties, 2 sheep or goats are allowed for each 7,000 square feet of lot area. On a one-acre parcel (43,560 square feet), a maximum of 6 goats or sheep is permitted. For every residential parcel larger than one acre and zoned SF2A or SF5A, 4 additional sheep or goats may be added per additional acre. According to the Carson City Code, you should not keep more than the allowable number of sheep or goats without first obtaining a permit from Animal Services.

Elko, NV

In Elko, Nevada, goats and sheep are allowed in the General Agriculture District (AG) and the Residential Suburban District (RS). In the RS zoning district, one sheep or goat is allowed for the first 15,000 square feet of lot area. Then one additional goat or sheep may be maintained for each additional 10,000 square feet of lot area over 15,000 square feet. According to Elko's zoning code, no goat or sheep enclosure should be located within 100 feet of any principal dwelling other than the animal owner's dwelling, or within 80 feet of the front property line, or within 25 feet of the side street of a corner lot. The slaughtering of goats or sheep for commercial purposes is prohibited in the RS zoning district.

Sparks, NV

In Sparks, Nevada, the keeping of livestock animals, including goats and sheep for personal enjoyment is allowed only in A-5 and A-40 agricultural districts and the SF-40 residential district. In those districts, a minimum land of one acre is required for the keeping of livestock animals, according to Sparks' zoning code. No more than one livestock animal is allowed per 20,000 square feet of land area. As stated by the city's zoning code, it is unlawful to keep livestock animals for any purpose in any other zoning district of the City.

Pahrump, NV

The keeping of livestock including goats and sheep is legal in the Town of Pahrump, Nevada. According to the Nye County Code, all livestock animals kept within the municipality should be provided with a primary enclosure of sufficient space for each animal to turn about freely and to stand, sit and lie in a comfortable normal position. Additionally, livestock animals are required to be provided with adequate food and water. Further, all livestock enclosures should be washed and disinfected at least once every two weeks to prevent any accumulation of debris or excreta.

Fernley, NV

You may keep goats or sheep on your property in the GR20, RR5, RR1, and RR½ zoning districts in Fernley, Nevada. According to Fernley's Zoning Code, a minimum lot size of one acre is required to keep livestock animals in those districts. The keeping of goats or sheep for commercial purposes is permitted in the GR20, RR5, and RR1 zoning districts, but not in the RR½ zoning district, where livestock may be kept for recreational purposes only. 

Livestock animals should not be permitted to run at large in the city. Per Title 6, Sec. 6.09 of Fernley's Code of Ordinances, every livestock owner should restrain their animals by a fence or other adequate means so that the animals should not leave the premises upon which they are kept. Permitting your goats or sheep to run at large within the limits of the city is a misdemeanor offense, according to the city code. However, Sec. 6.09 does not apply to the use of legally permitted livestock grazing rights.

Boulder City, NV

In Boulder City, Nevada, the keeping of goats and sheep is permitted in the R3, R2, R1-20, R1-40, and R1-80 zoning districts. On a lot with an area of 20,000 square feet, a maximum of 2 goats or sheep is permitted. For every additional 20,000 square feet of lot area, one additional goat or sheep is allowed, according to the City's Zoning Code. Boulder City Code Sec. 7-3-4 requires that all goats or sheep be kept on the premises of their owner and not allowed to run at large.

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