Can You Own a Goat or Sheep in Kentucky?

A young girl approaching a white goat

Whether you can have pet goats or sheep in Kentucky depends on your zoning district and property size. There may not be strict rules regarding the keeping of goats or sheep in rural or agricultural zones. On the other hand, you may face strict rules if you live in a residential zone. In some residential zones, it's unlawful to keep goats or sheep. In others, a permit or minimum lot size is required to own goats or sheep. Before keeping any goat or sheep in your residential backyard, you should contact your Zoning Office or local Animal Control to determine whether goats and sheep are permitted in your area. The Kentucky municipalities listed below permit urban goat and sheep keeping.

Louisville, KY

Sheep and goats are considered livestock in Louisville, Kentucky. According to Louisville's Animal Ordinance, all livestock animals weighing more than 40 pounds should be kept on tracts or lots of at least 0.5 acres or more. That means you need to have one-half acre of land to own goats or sheep in Louisville, as these animals usually weigh more than 40 pounds. The ordinance requires all sheep and goats to be confined by a fence sufficient to prevent them from leaving the owner's property. Sheep and goats found not restrained by a fence and which present a threat to public safety may be removed and the owner charged with a violation of the City Ordinance.

Bowling Green, KY

In Bowling Green, Kentucky, a property of at least two acres is required for the keeping of goats and sheep. No more than two goats or sheep are allowed per two acres. As required by the City Code, you should not keep your goats or sheep within 100 feet of a neighboring residence, church, or school in the City. Further, you should confine your goats or sheep on your premises by a fence sufficient to prevent them from leaving your property.

Owensboro, KY

A parcel of two acres is required to keep goats and sheep in the City of Owensboro, Kentucky. Owensboro's municipal code classifies goats and sheep as livestock, not household pets. The keeping of livestock on lots or parcels less than two acres in size is prohibited under the City Code.

Covington, KY

Only female goats and sheep may be kept with a permit in the City of Covington, Kentucky. Bucks (Male goats) and rams (Male sheep) are not allowed to be maintained in the city. You need to obtain a permit from the City Manager before acquiring the animals. Under the permit, you may not keep a single goat or sheep. On residentially zoned premises, a maximum of two goats or sheep is allowed.

A minimum area of 200 square feet of open outdoor grazing space is required per goat or sheep. With the approval of the City Manager, you can keep up to 12 goats or sheep on your single privately owned parcel of property. According to Covington's municipal code, you should keep your animals in such a manner as not to create or cause offensive odors or constitute a danger to public health.

Nicholasville, KY

In Nicholasville, KY, goats and sheep are considered livestock and are permitted under certain conditions in the City. According to Nicholasville's municipal code, livestock pens or yards should not constitute a nuisance. A livestock pen or yard constitutes a nuisance if it's kept in such a manner as to become offensive to neighbors, or annoying to the public. Furthermore, you should not allow your goats or sheep to be at large or trespass upon the enclosed premises of another person without permission.

Hopkinsville, KY

According to Hopkinsville's municipal code, it's unlawful for you to keep goats or sheep in the city unless the animals are kept in an enclosure of not less than one acre per animal. Additionally, your animal enclosure should not be within 200 feet of any dwelling house, except your dwelling house. Furthermore, you should keep your animal enclosure, which is subject to inspection by a Health Officer, in a clean and sanitary condition.

Paducah, KY

You need to have a lot or parcel of two acres to own goats or sheep in Paducah, Kentucky. Additionally, you need to keep your goat or sheep pen more than 300 feet from any neighboring dwelling or business. Paducah's municipal code prohibits the running at large of livestock animals and livestock enclosures from constituting a nuisance to the neighbors.

Ashland, KY

Goats and sheep are considered farm animals under Ashland's municipal code. You may keep farm animals in the City as long you don't permit them to run at large. According to the city code, any farm animal found running at large will be taken up by an  Animal Control Officer and impounded in the Boyd County Animal Shelter. The impounded animal will be confined humanely for 7 working days and may thereafter be disposed of humanely.

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