Can You Own a Goat or Sheep in Kansas?

Two goats in a fenced yard

Where you live and your property's size will determine whether you can own goats or sheep in Kansas. Sheep and goats are considered farm animals or livestock and are usually permitted only in rural or agricultural zones. If you live in a residential area, you may need to contact your Planning and Zoning Office or local animal control before keeping any goats or sheep in your backyard. Some cities allow for pygmy goats or sheep to be kept as pets. The City of De Soto, for example, allows residents to keep a maximum of 2 pygmy goats as pets.

Others may require that you obtain a permit or meet a minimum lot size requirement to keep goats or sheep. In some cities, the keeping of goats or sheep in residential districts, may not be permitted. So, it's your responsibility to find out whether sheep or goats are permitted where you reside. Meanwhile, the following Kansas municipalities permit goats and sheep in urban areas.

Wichita, KS

An Animal Maintenance Permit is required to keep sheep and goats in Wichita, Kansas. The permit, which should be renewed each year, allows you to keep one sheep or one nanny goat per acre. Under the permit, sheep and goats should be kept for personal pets and hobby use only. Enclosures including fences where sheep and goats are kept should be so constructed as to prevent the animals from breaking out. The keeping of male goats isn't allowed under the permit.

Olathe, KS

In Olathe, Kansas, standard-sized goats and sheep are classified as "Large Farm Animals." To keep large farm animals on a lot less than 3 acres, you need to obtain a special animal permit. One standard-sized goat or sheep is allowed per acre. You don't need a special animal permit if your property is 3 acres or more. On the other hand, pygmy or miniature goats and sheep are classified as "Small Farm Animals." A special animal permit is required to keep up to 10 miniature goats or 10 miniature sheep on a lot less than 3 acres.

No permit is required and there is no limit on the number of mini goats or sheep you can keep on a lot of 3 acres or more. Olathe's municipal code requires all goats and sheep to be kept in an enclosed structure or area located in the side or rear yard of the principal dwelling.

Kansas City, KS

Goats and sheep are permitted under certain conditions in Kansas City, KS. Per Chapter 7, Sec. 7-172 of Wyandotte County's Code of Ordinances, sheep and goats should be kept more than 50 feet from any neighboring building, except in areas zoned agriculturally. Additionally, no more than 2 goats or sheep may be kept on a property, except in agricultural zones. No offensive odors should emit from enclosures in which sheep and goats are kept.

Topeka, KS

In the City of Topeka, you don't need a special permit to own goats or sheep as long as you don't keep them within 200 feet of your property line. In addition, your animal enclosure should comply with all applicable building, property maintenance, and sanitation requirements. Topeka's livestock ordinance prohibits the running at large of livestock animals, including goats and sheep, in the City.

Lawrence, KS

In Lawrence, KS, goats and sheep are permitted on residential properties only as an accessory use. According to Lawrence's Urban Agriculture ordinance, only small goats and sheep are permitted. Goat breeds that are deemed small by the ordinance include Pygmy goats, Nigerian Dwarf goats, and Miniature Dairy goats. The following sheep breeds are considered small under the ordinance: Harlequin Sheep, North American Shetland Sheep, and Cheviot Sheep.

Male goats over four weeks of age should be neutered. The keeping of a single goat or a single sheep is not allowed. On a property of 10,000 square feet, no more than 2 goats or sheep are permitted. Up to 4 goats and sheep are permitted on a property of 20,000 square feet or more. Goats and sheep should be housed in a predator-resistant structure located a minimum of 50 feet from any off-site dwelling.

Shawnee, KS

The City of Shawnee's municipal code classifies goats and sheep as "Large Animals." You can't keep a large animal in the city without first obtaining a Special Animal Permit from the City Clerk. The permit allows you to have a maximum of 2 goats or sheep.

Lenexa, KS

In Lenexa, KS, the keeping of goats and sheep is permitted in three zoning districts: AG, RE, and RPE. A special livestock permit is required for the keeping of goats and sheep in those districts. Under the permit, no more than 2 goats or sheep is allowed per acre. On properties greater than 3 acres located in the AG district, the number of sheep and goats is not restricted.

In the RE and RPE districts, a maximum of 6 goats or sheep may be kept on properties greater than 3 acres. As required by the City Code, your animal enclosure should not be within 100 feet of any neighboring dwelling or 25 feet of any side or rear property line.

Dodge City, KS

In Dodge City, KS, you can have backyard goats or sheep as long as you have an approved annual permit. The permit is issued by the Dodge City Code Enforcement Office. The issuance of the permit is subject to zoning, property size and facilities on the property, as well as history of animal control complaints. According to the City Code, you should not fail to display your permit upon request of any animal control officer.

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