Can You Own a Goat or Sheep in Indiana?

Two pygmy goats

In Indiana, whether or not you can own a goat or sheep depends on the municipality in which you live and the size of your property. That's because Indiana State law does not address goat or sheep ownership. Instead, each municipality is tasked with enacting its own animal-keeping ordinances. These ordinances vary by municipality, thus the keeping of goats or sheep is legal in some areas and illegal in others. In most Indiana cities, goats and sheep are classified as "Farm Animals" and thus are usually allowed in areas zoned for agriculture.

If you live in an urban area, you may either not be allowed to own farm animals or you may need to meet certain requirements. To determine whether farm animals are permitted in your area of residence, contact your zoning office or local animal control. Meanwhile, you can keep goats or sheep as pets in your residential backyard in the following Indiana municipalities.

Indianapolis, IN

The keeping of personal livestock, including goats and sheep, as an accessory use is permitted in all Zoning Districts within Indianapolis. However, there are minimum lot size requirements for the keeping of livestock in the City. Additionally, the City's Zoning Code requires that you reside on the same lot as the animals. A minimum of 1 acre is required for the keeping of 4 sheep and goats. Only female sheep and goats or neutered male goats are allowed.

If your property is not up to 1 acre, you are allowed to keep only pygmy goats that are female, or neutered male goats. A maximum of 3 pygmy goats is allowed per quarter acre of land. These regulations do not apply to animals under the age of eight months. The slaughtering of livestock is permitted but it must not be conducted in the front yard.

Fort Wayne, IN

The City of Fort Wayne's municipal code classifies goats and sheep as "Domestic Farm Animals." According to the City Code, you may not possess or harbor a domestic farm animal unless approved by the Department of Planning Services. This technically means that a special permit is required to own goats or sheep in Fort Wayne.

Fishers, IN

In Fishers, Indiana, goats and sheep are classified as "Livestock" and are permitted in the City. According to Fishers' municipal code, all livestock animals should be provided with adequate food, water, space, and protection from the elements. Excreta should be removed from livestock animals' primary enclosures as often as necessary to prevent odor or health and sanitation problems. The humane slaughter of livestock is permitted in the City.

Gary, IN

In the City of Gary, you can keep sheep and goats on your residential property as long as they are situated more than 200 feet from any neighboring dwelling house. Additionally, Gary's municipal code requires every goat and sheep owner to thoroughly clean, each day, the places where the animals are kept.

Westfield, IN

Goats and sheep are permitted in Westfield, Indiana, as long as they have access to adequate food, water, and space. As required by Chapter 10, Sec. 10-3 of Westfield's municipal code, goats and sheep should be kept in a safe, clean, sanitary, and healthy manner. Additionally, the animals should not be so confined as to be forced to stand, sit, or lie in their own excrement. Furthermore, the city code requires all goat and sheep keepers to regularly, and as often as necessary, maintain all animal areas to prevent odor or health and sanitation problems. The humane slaughter of livestock animals isn't prohibited in the city.

Jeffersonville, IN

In Jeffersonville, Indiana, goats and sheep are permitted as an accessory use by right in the A1, R1, R2, and R3 districts. Per Jeffersonville's Zoning Ordinance, one goat or sheep is permitted per acre of lot area used for housing and pasturing of livestock. All goats and sheep should be kept in a livestock enclosure at all times when they are not leashed and under the direct control of the owner. Your livestock structures should be located a minimum of 35 feet from all property lines.

Plainfield, IN

To own goats or sheep in Plainfield, Indiana, you need to have a minimum of one-half acre of land (21,780 square feet). The Town Code requires goat and sheep enclosures to be located at least 75 feet from any family dwelling.

Valparaiso, IN

In Valparaiso, Indiana, sheep and goats are permitted but whether or not you can own them depends on the size of your property. Valparaiso City's municipal code requires a minimum of two acres of land for the keeping of pygmy or miniature goats. For the keeping of standard-sized goats and sheep, a minimum of five contiguous acres of land is required.

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