Can You Own a Goat or Sheep in Illinois?

A woman carrying her pet goat

Whether or not you can own goats or sheep in Illinois depends on where you live and the size of your property. In Illinois as well as in many other states, goats and sheep are considered livestock or farm animals. As such, they are usually permitted as a use by right in rural or agricultural districts. The keeping of goats and sheep in residential districts is usually subject to restrictions and requirements. Most Illinois municipalities do not even allow the keeping of farm animals on residential properties.

In some cities or villages, you may be allowed to keep a pygmy/miniature goat or sheep as a household pet. In Elk Grove Village, for example, residents are allowed to keep pygmy goats as pets. Pygmy or miniature goat breeds are usually permitted in urban areas because they require a smaller-sized enclosure.

It is your responsibility to find out whether goats or sheep are permitted where you live. This involves reviewing your local zoning or animal ordinances or contacting your local animal control. Meanwhile, the following Illinois municipalities permit goats and sheep in urban areas. According to the Illinois Department of Agriculture, anyone who owns sheep or goats in Illinois is required to have a flock identification number (Flock ID).

Chicago, IL

There are currently no restrictions in the City of Chicago, where residents can legally own goats and sheep. However, goats and sheep may only be kept as pets, not for slaughter in your home. According to WTTW, raising goats or sheep for dairy products is allowed in Chicago. You should not permit your animals to make "excessive noise." However, for noise to be deemed excessive, it has to last for 10 consecutive minutes and be witnessed by a city officer or 3 neighbors living at 3 different addresses. Practically speaking, Chicago goat and sheep owners don’t face strict rules, as long as they aren’t eating their animals. In essence, you should, as a goat or sheep keeper in Chicago, comply with the city's nuisance, and sanitation laws.

Naperville, IL

Sheep and goats may be kept in any area in the City of Naperville, Illinois, according to the City's municipal code. Per Title 10, Chapter 4, Sec. 10-4-6 of the City Code, you should not keep livestock within 200 feet of any occupied residence other than yours. All livestock animals, including goats and sheep, should be kept within an enclosure sufficient in size and strength to confine the animals to the owner's property. You need to obtain a permit from the City of Naperville prior to the construction of the livestock enclosure. 

Bartlett, IL

In Bartlett, IL, livestock and farm animals may be kept, provided certain requirements are met. For starters, a minimum of 2 acres of land is required to keep goats and sheep in the Village. Additionally, all accessory structures associated with the keeping of goats and sheep should be located at least 100 feet from the nearest lot line, as required by the Village's municipal code.

Northbrook, IL

Goats and sheep are permitted in all zoning districts within the Village of Northbrook, IL. However, to keep them, you need to have at least 2 acres of land. Up to three goats or sheep or any combination of both not exceeding 3 in total may be kept on a property of 2 acres. The Village's municipal code requires all goat and sheep enclosures to be kept 150 feet away from any public property, church, or residential property line.

Elk Grove Village, IL

In Elk Grove Village, the keeping of livestock animals is prohibited, except for pygmy goats. According to the Village's Zoning Code, pygmy goats count towards the maximum number of pets allowed per household. A maximum of 4 pets, including dogs, cats, potbellied pigs, and pygmy goats, is allowed per household in Elk Grove Village. For example, you may have 2 dogs and 2 pygmy goats. Or, 2 dogs, 1 cat, and 1 pygmy goat. This restriction, however, does not apply to dogs, cats, potbellied pigs, or pygmy goats 4 months of age or younger.

Pekin, IL

If you own a property of 2 acres, you may own goats or sheep in a residential area within Pekin, IL. According to the City of Pekin's municipal code, goats and sheep are not permitted in any residential area within the City unless they are kept on a tract of ground at least two acres in area. Additionally, your animal enclosure should be situated 100 feet from the line of adjoining property.

Galesburg, IL

In Galesburg, IL, you can have goats or sheep in your residential backyard, provided your property meets the minimum size requirement. According to the City's livestock ordinance, a tract of ground at least two acres in area is required to keep goats and sheep in any residential area within the corporate limits of the city. Furthermore, livestock pens or enclosures should be kept not less than 100 feet from the line of adjoining property.

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