Can You Own a Goat or Sheep in Delaware?

a young goat

Whether or not you can own a goat or sheep in Delaware depends on where you reside. That's because each Delaware municipality has a separate set of regulations regarding the ownership of farm animals. In addition, many towns in Delaware have restrictions on livestock in residential areas. So, you are responsible for determining whether goats or sheep are permitted at your location. This involves reviewing your municipal code and contacting your county or town planning and zoning departments. The following Delaware municipalities allow urban livestock farming.

New Castle County, DE

In New Castle County, you need to have one acre of land to own goats or sheep. This requirement only applies to residents in residentially zoned districts, diversified planned unit development, or MM zoned districts. For more information, please refer to New Castle County's municipal code. Alternatively, you can contact Code Enforcement at 302-395-5555 or Planning and Permits at 302-395-5400.

Kent County, DE

Goats and sheep are allowed in Kent County so long as they are confined within a completely fenced area. Additionally, Kent County's municipal code requires all fences used for the enclosure of goats and sheep to be constructed of wire, wood, masonry, or any appropriate material. Furthermore, all livestock enclosure areas are required to be kept in a clean, healthy condition, as recommended by DNREC and the Kent Conservation District. For specific information, contact the Inspections and Enforcement Division at 302-744-2451 or 302-744-2455.

Sussex County, DE

According to Sussex County's Zoning Code, up to 7 sheep or goats may be kept for personal use on a property of less than 5 acres. On properties of 5 acres or more, more than 8 sheep or goats may be kept for both personal and commercial use. A permit may be required for accessory structures. For more details, contact the Planning and Zoning Department at (302) 855-7878.

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