Can You Have Pet Goats or Sheep in Arkansas?

A baby sheep

If you live in an area zoned for agriculture in Arkansas, you are allowed to raise livestock animals, including goats and sheep. If you live in a residential zone, you may not be permitted to own goats or sheep. However, depending on the municipality in which you reside, you may be allowed to keep a limited number of goats or sheep as pets under certain conditions. To determine whether urban livestock keeping is permitted in your locality, contact your zoning office or local animal control. Meanwhile, I've put together a list of ten Arkansas municipalities where you can own goats or sheep in a residential district.

Little Rock, AR

In Little Rock, AR, you're permitted to have goats or sheep, as long as you don't keep them within 300 feet of any residence or business. However, you are allowed to keep goats or sheep within 300 feet of your own residence or business. By Little Rock's municipal code, you're prohibited from allowing your sheep or goats to run at large.

Fayetteville, AR

Urban livestock keeping is permitted in Fayetteville, Arkansas. In March of 2014, Fayetteville passed an Urban Agriculture Ordinance, allowing the keeping of goats in residential areas. Under the ordinance, goats may be kept on lots that meet certain requirements. A minimum of 2 female pygmy goats may be kept on a lot of 10,000 square feet and larger. On lots 15,000 square feet and larger, a maximum of 3 goats are allowed.

Goats may be kept in the side or rear yard and 50 feet from neighboring residences. For each goat, 200 square feet of secure fenced yard is required. Furthermore, all goats kept as pets in the city must have RFID microchips and be registered with the Fayetteville Animal Services Program. The onsite slaughtering of goats isn't permitted in Fayetteville.

Fort Smith, AR

In Fort Smith, AR goats and sheep are considered large domestic animals. For each goat or sheep (standard-sized or miniature), a lot of one acre, not including habitable structures, is required. According to the City's Development Code, the keeping of goats or sheep is for personal use only and not for commercial purposes. Fort Smith's Animal Code prohibits goat or sheep owners from permitting their livestock to run at large or to be pastured, except in a securely fenced enclosure, in the city.

Jonesboro, AR

You may own a limited number of sheep or goats in Jonesboro, AR, so long as you don't permit them to run at large in the city. In addition, you're required by ordinance to keep your goat or sheep enclosure in a clean or wholesome condition. A maximum of five domestic animals, including goats and sheep, is allowed per residence in Jonesboro.

Rogers, AR

If you live in an area zoned A-1 for agriculture in Rogers, AR, you are allowed to raise goats or sheep on your property. If you live in a residential zone, you may need to obtain a Conditional Use Permit to have livestock on your property. According to Rogers' website, you may apply for the permit at City Hall. Rogers' municipal code prohibits stock animals, including goats and sheep, from running at large within the city.

Sherwood, AR

The keeping of sheep or goats as pets in Sherwood, AR, is subject to certain restrictions. According to the Sherwood's Animal Care Control Ordinance, you may keep no more than 2 mini goats or sheep on a residential property of less than one acre. Under the ordinance, only polled sheep and disbudded goats are allowed to be kept on residential property of less than one acre. The ordinance requires all pet sheep and goats to be provided with at least 25 square feet of space per animal inside a leak-proof structure.

The keeping of goats or sheep on residential property exceeding one acre in size is allowed so long as the animals are humanely kept and securely fenced. In addition, the animals may not be kept closer than 75 feet from a neighboring residence or place of business.

Bella Vista City, AR

In the City of Bella Vista, Arkansas, the keeping of livestock in the A-1, Agricultural District, is permitted as a use by right. In the R-E, Residential Estates District, the keeping of livestock is permitted as a conditional use permit only. The City's Zoning Code requires all enclosures for sheep and goats to be a minimum of one-half acre in area for the first animal. Then for each additional two sheep or goat, an additional one-half acre is required.

Paragould, AR

The keeping of goats and sheep is allowed without a permit in all areas zoned for agriculture in Paragould, Arkansas. In all areas zoned other than agriculture, a permit is required to keep livestock. Per the City Code, the permit may be obtained from the chief of police for $5. The permit will be revoked if you allow your goats or sheep to create a nuisance to adjoining property owners.

Russellville, AR

Goats and sheep are considered "small hoofed livestock" in Russellville, Arkansas. Per the City's Livestock Ordinance, two goats or sheep are allowed per one acre of land. The maximum number of small hoofed livestock allowed per property in the City is 8. Livestock pens and enclosures must be of standard design and material for the proper constraint of the type of small hoofed livestock kept.

Jacksonville, AR

In Jacksonville, Arkansas, a lot or pen of an area of not less than one-half acre is required to keep goats and sheep. Additionally, the City Code requires all goat and sheep pens or enclosures to be situated at least 100 feet from any neighboring residence or place of business. Places where livestock animals are kept must be maintained in such conditions as not to become filthy or unsanitary.

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