Can You Have Goats or Sheep in Oregon?

Three young sheep

In Oregon, the zoning district in which you live and the size of your property will determine whether or not you can keep goats or sheep in your backyard. In most residential zones, certain requirements must be met for goats or sheep to be kept. Some cities allow mini goats and mini sheep to be kept as pets with no permit required. Goats and sheep are generally allowed in agricultural zones as a use by right. If you reside in an area zoned other than agricultural, check with your local zoning office or animal control before keeping any goats or sheep in your backyard. Here are eight Oregon municipalities wherein you can have backyard goats or sheep.

Portland, OR

In Portland, Oregon, standard goats and sheep are classified as "Large livestock," which may only be kept on lots 20,000 square feet or greater. A maximum of two standard goats or sheep is allowed on lots 20,000 square feet and greater, according to Portland's website. The slaughtering of goats or sheep is allowed but should be done out of view from neighboring properties and other animals. Miniature goats and miniature sheep are not considered large livestock and may be kept on any lot. A maximum of 3 mini goats and/or mini sheep is allowed per lot. On lots 10,000 square feet and greater, up to 5 mini goats and/or mini sheep may be kept. The City encourages you to have more than one goat or sheep, as these are social animals that need companionship.

Eugene, OR

In Eugene, OR, the keeping of goats and sheep is allowed on properties located in zones that allow "Urban Animal Keeping." On properties less than 20,000 square feet, up to 3 miniature, pygmy, or dwarf goats may be kept, provided that males are neutered. Sheep are not allowed on properties less than 20,000 square feet. On properties 20,000 square feet or greater, up to 3 miniature goats and/or miniature sheep may be kept. For each miniature sheep or goat, a minimum of 5,000 square feet of lot area is required, according to Eugene's Urban Animal Keeping Standards.

Hillsboro, OR

A livestock permit is required for the keeping of goats and sheep in Hillsboro, Oregon. On single-family residential properties, up to 2 miniature goats or sheep are allowed on lots of 10,000 square feet to 1 acre in area. The keeping of un-castrated male miniature goats or sheep is prohibited on residential properties. Also, the keeping of standard-sized goats and sheep is not allowed on residential properties. Products generated by mini goats or sheep, such as wool or meat, may not be sold from residential property, according to Hillsboro's livestock ordinance. Additionally, mini goats and sheep may not be slaughtered or butchered on any residential property.

Bend, OR

On residential lots within the City of Bend, the keeping of goats and sheep is permitted, provided the lot has an area of five acres. According to the City Code, you may not keep goats or sheep on any residential parcel or lot with an area of less than five acres. All fenced enclosures should be so constructed as to confine all goats and sheep within the owner’s property. Further, all structures that house goats and sheep should be situated at least 25 feet from all existing adjacent residences and 15 feet from any interior or rear lot line.

Corvallis, OR

In Corvallis, Oregon, you can own goats and sheep as long as you register them with the Animal Control Officer. According to Corvallis' municipal code, no person should keep livestock, including goats and sheep, within pens or hutches, in the City unless the person has registered the animals with the Animal Control Officer. The registration includes the number and type of livestock you intend to keep as well as where you intend to keep them. In addition, the registration requires the names and contact info of persons who can respond to any emergency involving the animals in your absence.

Albany, OR

In Albany, OR, one-half acre of open yard area is required for each sheep and goat over the age of six months. The City's animal-keeping ordinance requires all goats and sheep to be contained within a fence at least four feet in height, but not more than six feet in height. Additionally, the fence should be so adequate as to contain the animals and should be maintained in good repair.

Oregon City, OR

In Oregon City, one goat or sheep is permitted for each twenty thousand square feet of lot area. The keeping of goats and sheep should be in compliance with Chapter 17.54.010 of the City's zoning regulations and all other requirements of the City Municipal Code. An accessory structure housing a goat or sheep should be located at least twenty-five feet from any property line.

McMinnville, OR

In residential zones within McMinnville, OR, up to two goats or sheep over six months of age are allowed for each half-acre of land over the minimum lot size for the premises. The enclosure or pen for goats and sheep should not be located in the front yard of the premises or within 10 feet of a rear property line. According to McMinnville's municipal code, the slaughtering of animals on residential properties is not permitted.

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