Can You Have Goats or Sheep in Michigan?

A red goat

If you're trying to determine whether it's legal to own goats or sheep in Michigan, you're in the right place. Michigan State law does not prohibit the ownership of goats or sheep. So at the state level, it's legal to have pet goats and sheep. At the local level, however, not so much. While Michigan State law does not prohibit goats and sheep, your city or county may have its own ordinances regulating the keeping of these animals in residential districts. The keeping of goats and sheep, whether as pets or otherwise, is usually permitted in rural and agricultural zones.

However, not every municipality allows these animals in residential districts. In residential areas where goats and sheep are allowed, there are rules and regulations in place to ensure the animals are kept in a healthful condition. In some Michigan cities, miniature or pygmy goats and sheep are permitted as household pets. In the City of Battle Creek, for example, residents are allowed to keep miniature goats with a permit. Goats and sheep are currently not permitted in the City of Detroit. So, before acquiring any goats or sheep, contact your local zoning office or animal control to find out whether these animals are allowed in your area of residence.

Meanwhile, you can have pet goats or sheep in the Michigan municipalities listed below.

Warren, MI

In Warren, MI, you can have pet goats or sheep as long as you don't keep them within 300 feet of any neighboring residence. Additionally, as per Chapter 7, Sec. 7-2 of Warren's municipal code, you should not keep your sheep or goat in an unsanitary condition. Further, you should prevent your animals from causing frequent or long, continued noise that might disturb the comfort of your neighbors. The city code prohibits the running at large of animals in any street, alley, or public place, or upon the premises of another without permission.

Dearborn, MI

With a permit, you can have goats or sheep in Dearborn, Michigan. The permit is issued by the director of residential services. Upon the granting of this permit, you may not permit your animals to run at large or create any condition that might be unwholesome or in any way affect the health, happiness, and well-being of any neighbor. According to Dearborn's municipal code, the director of residential services possesses the power to suspend the permit of any goat or sheep owner that permits their animals to create a nuisance.

Troy, MI

The City of Troy allows farm animals including backyard sheep and goats. In advance of having the animals, you need to obtain an Animal Permit from the City.  A minimum of 3/4 of an acre is required for the keeping of sheep and goats in the City. If the property does not meet this requirement, a waiver from the Animal Control Appeal Board is required. As a holder of an animal permit, you're required to comply with all present and future ordinances in the City Code. The animal permit is valid for 5 years from the date of issuance.

Westland, MI

To own goats or sheep in Westland, Michigan, you need to have a property of at least one-half acre. As required by Chapter 18, Sec. 18-3 of Westland's Code of Ordinances, you should keep your goat or sheep pen or similar enclosure 20 feet from adjacent property lines or 40 feet from any dwelling.

Farmington Hills, MI

In Farmington Hills, Michigan, you don't need a permit to own goats or sheep, provided you keep the animals 175 feet away from any dwelling other than yours. And provided further that you don't permit the animals to run at large in any street or public place, or on the property of another without permission. According to Farmington's animal ordinance, you may file an appeal to the zoning board of appeals if you cannot reasonably comply with the distance requirement. In your application, you're required to clearly outline the relief sought and your reasons why the variance and/or modification should be granted.

Rochester Hills, MI

You can have goats or sheep in Rochester Hills, Michigan, as long as you prevent them from leaving your property. According to Rochester Hills' animal ordinance, you shouldn't permit any sheep or goats to run at large in the city. Any sheep or goats found running at large in any public place in the city will be taken up and impounded in accordance with county regulations.

Kentwood, MI

The Kentwood Zoning Ordinance allows for the keeping of goats in residential districts with Zoning Administrator review and approval. Under the ordinance, goats should be kept for personal use only. No more than one goat is allowed only on a property of over one acre. By ordinance, you're required to keep your goat in a fully fenced run at all times. Such fenced area should be located at least 20 feet from any adjacent residence or business structure and 10 feet from any lot line. Contact the Planning Department at (616-554-0707) if you have questions.

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