Can You Have Goats or Sheep in Louisiana?

A black and white goat

Whether you can own a goat or sheep in Louisiana depends on which zoning district you live in. In other words, it depends on whether your property is located in an agricultural zone or a residential zone. In agricultural zones, goats and sheep are usually allowed as a use by right. In residential zones, not so much. If you live in a residential area and are interested in keeping goats or sheep, you need to make absolutely sure that these animals are permitted.

The first place to contact is your local Planning and Zoning Office. Alternatively, you can contact your local Animal Control or search for your municipality's animal-keeping ordinance online. Meanwhile, here are eight Louisiana municipalities that permit goats and sheep.

New Orleans, LA

If you reside in New Orleans, you need to have a property of at least one acre to keep goats or sheep. One goat or sheep is allowed per 14,520 square feet (1/3 acre) of lot area. As required by the New Orleans Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance, goats and sheep should be so kept as not to cause any adverse impact, including but not limited to odor, noise, or pest infestation. All sheep and goats are required to be kept in fences, corrals, barns, enclosures, or pens. Prior to acquiring the animals, you need to obtain a conditional use permit.

Baton Rouge, LA

In Baton Rouge, LA, you can have goats or sheep in your residential backyard, provided you meet certain requirements. For starters, you need to have at least an acre of land for the first goat or sheep. Then, for every additional one-half (½) acre, one additional goat or sheep is permitted. However, you don't need to meet the lot size requirements, provided your animal enclosure or fenced area is located 100 feet away from a neighboring structure used for human habitation. Or, provided you submit a petition signed by more than 50% of property owners within a 300 feet radius of your property. For additional details, refer to Baton Rouge's municipal code.

Shreveport, LA

The keeping of goats and sheep is permitted within the city limits of Shreveport, subject to certain requirements. Per Chapter 14, Sec. 14-49 of Shreveport's Code of Ordinances, all sheep and goats should be provided with adequate housing, pens, or enclosures. Such enclosures should provide at least 150 square feet of floor space per goat or sheep over four months of age. Furthermore, all goat and sheep enclosures should be situated 250 feet from any residence or business establishment. Your goat or sheep enclosure should be situated 100 feet from your own residence. The maximum number of sheep or goats you can keep on your property is 10.

Lafayette, LA

The keeping of goats or sheep on a property of less than two acres is prohibited in Lafayette, Louisiana. In other words, you need to have a property of at least two acres to own goats or sheep in the city. According to the City Code, sheep and goats should not be permitted to roam at large. All sheep and goat enclosures should be kept in a sanitary condition. Additionally, they should be located not less than 75 feet from every building used for human habitation.

Lake Charles, LA

You can have goats or sheep in the city of Lake Charles, but not without first obtaining a Livestock Permit. If approved, the permit allows you to keep sheep or goats under certain conditions. Per Chapter 4, Sec. 4-5 of Lake Charles' municipal code, all goats or sheep should be kept in an enclosed area designated by the permit. Such enclosed area should be situated 300 feet from the nearest neighboring residence and 150 feet from the closest private property line. However, these setback requirements may be waived with your neighbors' consent.

Bossier City, LA

Bossier City permits the keeping of goats and sheep in residential areas under certain conditions. Per Chapter 14, Sec. 14-31 of the City Code, keeping farm animals, including sheep and goats, within 100 feet of an occupied residence is unlawful. Any person who violates this condition will be guilty of a misdemeanor. Also, you'll be guilty of a misdemeanor if you permit your goats or sheep to run at large.

Central, LA

In the City of Central, a minimum of 3 acres is required for the first two goats or sheep. For every additional one acre over 3 acres, one additional animal is allowed. However, these property size requirements will not apply, provided you keep your goats or sheep in a structure or fenced area located 150 feet from the nearest neighboring structure used for human habitation. Or, provided you submit a petition signed by more than 50 percent of property owners within a 300-foot radius of your animal enclosure.

New Iberia, LA

You can have goats or sheep in New Iberia, LA, but not without first obtaining a permit from the parish health officer. As a livestock permit holder, your property is subject to periodical inspection by a sanitarian of the parish health unit. The enclosure in which you keep your sheep or goats should be located 75 feet from every building or structure used for human habitation. The City Code requires all goats and sheep to be kept under strict sanitary conditions and in such a manner as to protect the health, welfare, and safety of neighbors.

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