When summoned, the dog would rise from his bed without hesitation. The canine would sometimes shoot his owner a look asking for help, but he knows he must comply. Leading the way, the feline would walk the canine out of the bedroom every night for unknown activities. This nightly routine caused Indzaceto to get suspicious and have so many questions. Below is the video, which Indzaceto captioned "I have so many questions."
@lindzaceto I have so many questions 🤔 #cat #dog #pets ♬ Stealthy mischief(1088178) - KBYS
These "secret meetings" tend to keep both animals up at all hours of the night because their owner noticed they both tend to catch up on sleep during the day. Specifically, the cat spends all day resting in her cat tree. According to Newsweek, Indzaceto even tried sneaking up on the pets to figure out what they both were up to. It was apparently a secret meeting but on alert, as the cat once scurried away at the first sound of the owner approaching. She once found her dog sitting outside the room looking "very guilty," according to Newsweek. When asked by a user if the dog comes back to bed after the secret mission, Indzaceto replied "Not always."
The funny clip received over 2,000 comments on TikTok as of Saturday.
One user wrote: "If they wanted you to know, you would have been invited," to which Indzaceto responded: "I know, I think I just need to accept that I'm not part of the club." "The dog looking back like he's being forced against his will to go," another user pointed out.
A follow-up video suggests that the cat just wants the dog to hang out with her in the living room.
@lindzaceto Algorithm, please reach all who requested an update/part 2 on the sneaky adventures of #HermioneandWilson #pets #cat #dog ♬ Scheming Weasel - Tsoulfas Panormitis